Can Tuaregs, Kabyle and Sanhja Amazighs understand each other?
Can Tuaregs, Kabyle and Sanhja Amazighs understand each other?

Bahador Alast 3 years ago

In this episode we showcase some of the similarities and test the degree of mutual intelligibility between three different Amazigh ...


WikiReader 4 years ago

Tifinagh (Berber pronunciation: [tifinaɣ]; also written Tifinaɣ in the Berber Latin alphabet; Neo-Tifinagh: ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ; Tuareg ...


ILoveLanguages! 2 years ago

Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. Please feel free to ...

Le Tifinagh ou l'alphabet touareg
Le Tifinagh ou l'alphabet touareg

Studio Kalangou 3 years ago

Du 8 au 9 janvier 2022, s'est tenue à Balleyara la 3e édition du festival Kel Tamasheq. Lors de ce festival, nous avons rencontré ...

ⵉⵙⴽⴽⵉⵍⵏ ⵏⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - #Amazigh #alphabet - الحروف #الامازيغية
ⵉⵙⴽⴽⵉⵍⵏ ⵏⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - #Amazigh #alphabet - الحروف #الامازيغية

Atlas 7 years ago

Tifinagh (#Berber alphabet) also written Tifinaɣ #ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖis an abjad script used to write the #Amazigh language.

Virtual Keybord in tifinagh tamasheq (tuareg language)
Virtual Keybord in tifinagh tamasheq (tuareg language)

Alain Brégy 14 years ago

Send messages and display them to community in Tifinagh, the tuareg alphabetical letters Envoie des messages et les affiche à la ...

Islas Canarias (ⵙⴾⵏⵏ ⵏ ⵜⴾⵏⵔⵏ) - Toponimia indígena en tifinagh
Islas Canarias (ⵙⴾⵏⵏ ⵏ ⵜⴾⵏⵔⵏ) - Toponimia indígena en tifinagh

Ahul Taggayt - Hermandad tuareg de Canarias 2 years ago

Un vídeo corto en el que mostramos algunos de los principales topónimos nativos en tifinagh tuareg, siguiendo una ...

Tifinagh | Wikipedia audio article
Tifinagh | Wikipedia audio article

wikipedia tts 6 years ago

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Tifinagh 00:00:39 1 Origins 00:02:11 2 Tuareg Tifinagh 00:03:11 2.1 Orthography ...


ILoveLanguages! A year ago

Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. Special Thanks to ...

#TIFINAGH the #Berber #Amazigh ancient alphabet #tamazight #AncientAfricanAlphabet #AncientAlphabet
#TIFINAGH the #Berber #Amazigh ancient alphabet #tamazight #AncientAfricanAlphabet #AncientAlphabet

ROMA MITICA 3 months ago

TIFINAGH ⵜⴼⵏⵗ; ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ; is the most ancient continuously used script in the world & used to write the African Berber ...

Neo-Tifinagh | Wikipedia audio article
Neo-Tifinagh | Wikipedia audio article

wikipedia tts 6 years ago

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Neo-Tifinagh Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to ...

ⴰ | Old Tifinagh Alphabet Lore
ⴰ | Old Tifinagh Alphabet Lore

Stickman Official 2 years ago

Escritura #tifinagh (ⵜⴼⵏⵗ) | Parte 1: Historia (líbico-bereber)
Escritura #tifinagh (ⵜⴼⵏⵗ) | Parte 1: Historia (líbico-bereber)

Ahul Taggayt - Hermandad tuareg de Canarias 2 years ago

Primer capítulo de una serie en la que tratamos la escritura tifinagh y su historia desde el alfabeto líbico-bereber. El tifinagh es a ...

Tifinagh! (ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ)
Tifinagh! (ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ)

Tunisia Tamazight - ⵜⵓⵏⵙ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ 4 years ago

Tifinagh is the original mother tounge of North Africa (Muritania Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya & The Subsaharaian desert.

Tifinagh | Wikipedia audio article
Tifinagh | Wikipedia audio article

wikipedia tts 6 years ago

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Tifinagh Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading.


AmazighInEurope 12 years ago

An Overview of the Amazigh Languages (Berber)
An Overview of the Amazigh Languages (Berber)

Che Languages A year ago

Despite being one of my favorite language branches, not only in the Afro-Asiatic language family but in all the world languages as ...

The Tuareg: Guardians of the Sahara #africanculture #africanhistory #music #youtube #tuareg #desert
The Tuareg: Guardians of the Sahara #africanculture #africanhistory #music #youtube #tuareg #desert

DarK_Yasuke 2 months ago

The Tuareg, often referred to as the "Blue People" because of their indigo-dyed garments, have lived in the Sahara Desert for over ...


walubas 11 years ago


Unveiling the Tuareg People  Identity, Language, and Lifestyle 2
Unveiling the Tuareg People Identity, Language, and Lifestyle 2

World of Customs and Traditions 2 months ago

Known as Imohaj, meaning “free man,” the Tuareg embody a unique cultural identity. Their ancient language, Tifinagh, has a ...

The Tamasheq language
The Tamasheq language

Sorosoro TV 13 years ago

Image & sound: Arnaud Contreras Language advice: Salem Mezhoud and Abdoulahi Attayoub Editing: Caroline Laurent To know ...


timbrookesxi 14 years ago

In this chapter of the Endangered Alphabets video series I discuss Tifinagh, the astonishing writing used by the Berber people of ...


moussa hamdou 11 years ago

tinariwen  -  Tifinagh
tinariwen - Tifinagh

John Douglas 17 years ago

a great group from mali and their language: Tinariwen - The Radio Tisdas Sessions - 01 - Le Chant Des Fauves... hopefully more ...

تيفيناغ.. أبجدية الأمازيغ ♓
تيفيناغ.. أبجدية الأمازيغ ♓

Neji Amine Benbatta A month ago

تيفيناغ... أبجدية الأمازيغ ♓ #ماكاش_منها #ناجي_أمين_بن_باطة #الجزائر #أمازيغ #شمال_إفريقيا #التراث_الجزائري ...

Intervista a HAWAD - Premio Ostana 2023, Lingua Tamajaght (Area Tuareg)
Intervista a HAWAD - Premio Ostana 2023, Lingua Tamajaght (Area Tuareg)

Premio Ostana: Scritture in Lingua Madre 6 months ago

HAWAD Poeta Amazigh e pittore del deserto del Sahara, Hawad è un Amajagh (Tuareg). I suoi manoscritti originali sono in lingua ...

Hometold - Dominique Casajus - Qui sont les touaregs?
Hometold - Dominique Casajus - Qui sont les touaregs?

Hometold Officiel 8 years ago

Retrouvez toutes nos vidéos sur Répartis dans le Sahara méridional et une partie du Sahel, les Touaregs ...


Joan Guitart 10 years ago

MANRESA (cor de Catalunya) (corazón de Cataluña) (heart of Catalonia) LA DESCRIPCIÓ : Està en 6 idiomes- Está en 6 ...

App SMS in tamasheq (tuareg language)
App SMS in tamasheq (tuareg language)

Alain Brégy 14 years ago

Send SMS and display them to community in Tifinagh, the tuareg alphabetical letters Envoie des SMS et les affiche à la ...

Amazigh (Berber) Languages: What I've Learned About This North African Language Family 🌍🗣️
Amazigh (Berber) Languages: What I've Learned About This North African Language Family 🌍🗣️

Learn Hittite 8 months ago

Jump to 2:50 to skip the loooong introduction... Azul language enthusiasts! Join me in today's unexpected journey into the ...


ILoveLanguages! 2 years ago

Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. Please feel free to ...

Berber languages | Wikipedia audio article
Berber languages | Wikipedia audio article

wikipedia tts 6 years ago

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Berber languages Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to ...

Alphabet Tifinagh
Alphabet Tifinagh

ⵜⵉⴼⴰⵡⵉⵏ 6 years ago

Tifinagh script
Tifinagh script

Mega Tifinagh 13 years ago

The Tifinagh alphabet ("Lybico-berber") has been used by Berber speaking people in North Africa and the Canary Islands at least ...

Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Fadma - ⴼⴰⴹⵎⴰ (official music video 2021 )
Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ) - Fadma - ⴼⴰⴹⵎⴰ (official music video 2021 )

Tasuta N-Imal 3 years ago

Stream fadma on all platforms : Subscribe to Tasuta N-Imal Official Channel: ...

Celebrating the Tuaregs | Exhibitions | Showcase
Celebrating the Tuaregs | Exhibitions | Showcase

TRT World 7 years ago

Desert life can be harsh, but there are still many people living in them. A French exhibit on the nomadic Saharan Tuareg ...

Discovering the Tuareg; The Blue people#trend #culture #africa #india
Discovering the Tuareg; The Blue people#trend #culture #africa #india

Know Africa 10 days ago

The Tuareg people, often referred to as the "Blue People" because of their distinctive indigo-dyed clothing, are a semi-nomadic ...

Amazigh/Berber Mythology
Amazigh/Berber Mythology

Zelda Tanit 7 years ago

Brief introduction into Amazigh culture and mythology concerning superstitions.


Morocconation 8 months ago

DIGITAL KEYBOARD : Embark on a historical journey with us as we explore the ...

Latin Tifinagh Alphabet Song
Latin Tifinagh Alphabet Song

Baby Ekrot Kaye Crying #StopBrunoNascimento 2 years ago

Escritura #tifinagh (ⵜⴼⵏⵗ) | Parte 2: Fonética y uso
Escritura #tifinagh (ⵜⴼⵏⵗ) | Parte 2: Fonética y uso

Ahul Taggayt - Hermandad tuareg de Canarias 2 years ago

Segundo capítulo de una serie en la que tratamos la escritura tifinagh y su historia desde el alfabeto líbico-bereber. El tifinagh es ...

TUTLAYT 2 : L' alphabet tifinagh et les pronoms personnels/ أبجدية تيفيناغ و الضمائر المنفصلة
TUTLAYT 2 : L' alphabet tifinagh et les pronoms personnels/ أبجدية تيفيناغ و الضمائر المنفصلة

Chaine Izza 8 years ago

Dans ce deuxième épisode de Tutlayt, je vous invite à découvrir l'alphabet tifinagh et apprendre les pronoms personnels en ...

Tifinagh: words with friends
Tifinagh: words with friends

Psappho Pslug 4 years ago

Tu le savais ? #culture #histoire #amazigh #berbere #symbole #algerie #maroc
Tu le savais ? #culture #histoire #amazigh #berbere #symbole #algerie #maroc

The Amazighs : Amine & Leïla ⵣ 10 months ago

ⵣ Le savais-tu ? ⵣ Aujourd'hui on t'en dit un peu plus sur le fameux symbole Amazigh. Il a notamment été rendu célèbre depuis ...

Tuareg- Desert people, Culture & Music, and nomadic lifestyle
Tuareg- Desert people, Culture & Music, and nomadic lifestyle

Desert Blues - موسيقى الصحراء 2 years ago

Tuareg- Desert people, Culture & Music, and nomadic lifestyle The Tuareg are an Islamic African people. They are classified as ...

Egypt's Berber speakers cling to language in isolated oasis | AFP
Egypt's Berber speakers cling to language in isolated oasis | AFP

AFP News Agency 4 years ago

Youssef Diab drives his truck through the Egyptian oasis of Siwa, singing catchy songs in a local Berber dialect that clings to life ...

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