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https://www.w3schools.com › jsref › prop_html_innerhtml.asp

HTML DOM Element innerHTML Property - W3Schools

The innerHTML property sets or returns the HTML content (inner HTML) of an element.

https://www.javascripttutorial.net › javascript-dom › javascript-innerhtml

JavaScript innerHTML - JavaScript Tutorial

Use innerHTML property of an element to get or set HTML contained within the element. The innerHTML property returns the current HTML source of the element, including any change that has been made since the page was loaded.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 4879066

html - What does innerHTML do in javascript? - Stack Overflow

The innerHTML property is part of the Document Object Model (DOM) that allows Javascript code to manipulate a website being displayed. Specifically, it allows reading and replacing everything within a given DOM element (HTML tag).

https://www.toutjavascript.com › reference › ref-htmlelement.innerhtml.php

HTMLElement.innerHTML - Référence du JS - Tout JavaScript.com

innerHTML contient le code HTML intérieur à l'objet. Cette propriété est accessible en écriture : il est donc possible de changer le contenu d'un objet. Il existe aussi la propriété outerHTML qui contient l'ensemble du code HTML de l'objet, avec sa balise externe.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › API › Element › innerHTML

Element: innerHTML property - MDN Web Docs

The Element property innerHTML gets or sets the HTML or XML markup contained within the element. More precisely, innerHTML gets a serialization of the nested child DOM elements within the element, or sets HTML or XML that should be parsed to replace the DOM tree within the element.

https://coderpad.io › blog › development › javascript-innerhtml

How to Use innerHTML in JavaScript, Plus Alternate Methods

Walk through the pros & cons of using the JavaScript innerHTML property and how to use it safely without exposing yourself to XSS attacks.

How to Use innerHTML in JavaScript, Plus Alternate Methods

https://zetcode.com › dom › innerhtml

Element.innerHtml tutorial - read and write HTML content in ... - ZetCode

Element.innerHtml tutorial shows how to read and write HTML content with Element.innerHtml property in JavaScript. Element.innerHtml reads or writes the HTML markup contained within the element. To insert the HTML into the document rather than replace the contents of an element, we use the insertAdjacentHTML method.

https://www.quackit.com › javascript › tutorial › innerhtml_in_javascript.cfm

InnerHTML In JavaScript - Quackit Tutorials

The innerHTML Syntax. You can use innerHTML to set content like this: document.getElementById('{ID of element}').innerHTML = '{content}'; In this syntax example, {ID of element} is the ID of an HTML element and {content} is the new content to go into the element.