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https://ja.hinative.com › questions › 57066

Please correct this sentenece. Thank you. - HiNative

日本語. 英語 (アメリカ) 英語 (イギリス) 英語 (アメリカ) に関する質問. Please correct this sentenece. Thank you. "The later it becomes, the more you feel sluggish to go to the hospital." 遅くなればなるほど、病院に行くのがしんどくなる。 質問を翻訳. christianjoe. 2015年2月26日. 英語 (アメリカ) "If it gets too late you'll fell too tired to go to the hospital." 1 like. この回答は役に立ちましたか? うーん (0) 役に立った (0) sango2.

https://forum.wordreference.com › threads › how-to-organise-these-info-together.1896633

how to organise these info together? - WordReference Forums

#1. I want to express the following elements in one sentenece: 1. XX company (the subsidiary) is established in March 2000. 2. a moder pharamaceutical company. 3. the headquarters invested XX company. 4. the headquarters is listed on stock exchange in 1997.

https://community.bunpro.jp › t › confusion-between-and-in-example-sentances › 94498

Confusion between を and が in example sentances - Japanese - Bunpro ...

The English translations are equivalent in meaning but not grammatically. Japanese sometimes phrases things using different grammar than we may use in English. 食べる is a transitive verb so takes a direct object, marked with を; the subject is marked with が.

https://hinative.com › questions › 15436739

「ナンバ」のことばは漠字で「難場」ですか。 - HiNative

Then a verb has been formed as ナンパする. It has meaning of approaching girls to get her as his companion. So, ナンバされた男 means 私がナンパされた男 or in other words 私をナンパした男. Now you know the meaning of that sentenece.|軟派 (ナンパ)|多分ナンパだと思う。

https://www.reddit.com › r › SDGO › comments › acrpcw › sdgo_registeration

Sdgo registeration : r/SDGO - Reddit

Translate that sentence you typed out into Japanese first, and then take the Japanese Translated Version of your Sentenece and translate it BACK into English. Try to make it so that when you translate it back into english, that the translation is as accurate to what you were saying as possible.

https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp › article › transinf › E92.D › 12 › E92.D_12_2351 › _pdf › -char › en

Stemming Malay Text and Its Application in Automatic Text Categorization

In the English stemming al-gorithm, “books” and “reads” would be reduced to “book” and “read,” respectively. English stemming algorithms such as Porter [4] and Lovins [5] are widely employed in the re-search and development of English text processing. In Japanese text mining, morphological analyzers are applied to sentences.

https://community.wanikani.com › t › can-感情-also-be-read-as-関係 › 41054

Can 感情 also be read as 関係? - Kanji - WaniKani Community

I’m doing my sentenece cards for Dragon Maid and this sentence popped up: トールって人間の感情 理解してない節があるよね Kobayashi is saying かんけい though wich kinda confused me.

https://www.italki.com › en › post › question-362445

italki - 自己与亲自的区别 1) 他想亲自讲述那个朴实的故事 2) 他想自己讲述那个朴实的故事。 which of these two ...

Maybe their English translations help: 亲自:in person/personally; 自己:by oneself/on one's own. Some examples: 董事长将会亲自处理这些事务。

https://www.proz.com › kudoz › german-to-english › telecommunications › 2433878...

Größenbeschreibung | German to English | Telecom (munications) - ProZ.com

Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs (or are passionate about them). Participation is free and the site has a strict confidentiality policy. Return to KudoZ list Context: ...

https://www.italki.com › en › post › question-154792

italki - what does this sentence mean? what does this sentenece mean ...

Answers · 1. Think music: "played that city" implies that a band, singer, or the like played music in a particular city; "like a harp from hell" is a saying that means the band/singer was playing music with high energy and non-stop. Another like saying is "The band Europe was smokin' hot when they played London."