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https://anaconda.org › anaconda › anaconda_prompt

Anaconda Prompt | Anaconda.org

Anaconda Prompt is a package that lets you create shortcuts for terminals with an activated conda environment. It is developed by Anaconda, a popular Python distribution for data science and machine learning.

https://datascientest.com › installer-anaconda-tout-savoir

Installer Anaconda pour Python : comment faire - DataScientest.com

Apprenez à installer Anaconda, un outil de distribution Python open source, pour la gestion de packages et d’environnement de développement. Découvrez comment utiliser Anaconda Navigator et Anaconda Prompt, les interfaces et le terminal d’Anaconda.

Installer Anaconda pour Python : comment faire - DataScientest.com

https://docs.anaconda.com › anaconda › getting-started › hello-world

Your first Python program: Hello, Anaconda!

Learn how to write and run a simple Python program with Anaconda Navigator, Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, or a command line interface (CLI). Follow the steps and examples to say hello to Anaconda in different ways.

https://www.anaconda.com › download

Downloads - Anaconda

Download Anaconda Distribution, a free and open-source platform for data science and machine learning with Python and R. Manage packages and environments, access thousands of trusted packages, and deploy across hardware and software platforms.

Downloads - Anaconda

https://datascientest.com › anaconda-prompt-tout-savoir

Anaconda Prompt : Tout ce qu’il faut savoir - DataScientest.com

Anaconda Prompt est une interface en ligne de commande qui permet d’exécuter des tâches liées à la distribution Anaconda de Python. Découvrez ses fonctionnalités, sa différence avec Anaconda Navigator et comment s’y former avec DataScientest.

Anaconda Prompt : Tout ce qu’il faut savoir - DataScientest.com

https://www.cours-gratuit.com › tutoriel-python › tutoriel-python-comment-programmer-en...

Tutoriel Python : installer et utiliser Anaconda - Cours-Gratuit

Apprenez à installer et utiliser Anaconda, la distribution libre et open source pour la programmation Python et R. Découvrez ses outils, ses applications et ses environnements, notamment Anaconda Prompt, Conda et Anaconda Navigator.

Tutoriel Python : installer et utiliser Anaconda - Cours-Gratuit

https://cyberinstitut.fr › guide-installation-utilisation-anaconda-python

Guide d’installation et d’utilisation d’Anaconda pour Python

Utilisez Anaconda Prompt ou votre terminal pour créer, activer et désactiver des environnements conda. Explorez les différentes applications disponibles via Anaconda, comme Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, et RStudio.

Guide d’installation et d’utilisation d’Anaconda pour Python

https://docs.conda.io › projects › conda › en › latest › user-guide › getting-started.html

Getting started with conda — conda 24.7.2.dev100 documentation

Learn how to use conda, a command line tool for package and environment management, to create and manage Python environments. Find out how to install, update, and search for packages and channels with conda.

https://docs.conda.io › projects › conda › en › 4.11.x › user-guide › getting-started.html

Getting started with conda — conda 4.11.0.post3+0050c5148 documentation

Learn how to use conda, a package and environment manager for Python, at the Anaconda Prompt for Windows, or in a terminal window for macOS or Linux. Follow the steps to create, activate, and manage environments, Python versions, and packages with conda commands.

https://docs.anaconda.com › anaconda › getting-started

Getting started with Anaconda Distribution

Learn how to use Anaconda Distribution, which includes conda, a package and environment manager, and Anaconda Navigator, a GUI for managing packages and environments. Find tutorials, cheatsheets, and resources for various IDEs and Jupyter Notebook.