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https://blog.logrocket.com › angular-modules-best-practices-for-structuring-your-app

Angular modules: Best practices for structuring your app

We’ll also review some best practices for using Angular modules. Here’s what we’ll cover: What are Angular modules? Why use modules in Angular? Types of modules in Angular; Practical example: Building an ecommerce app. Creating a module; Registering components with a module; Accessing modules

https://blog.angular-university.io › angular2-ngmodule

Angular Modules and NgModule - Complete Guide - Angular University

Angular Modules are logical groups of Angular components, directives, pipes, and services that allow us to split up application functionality into separate logical parts, with their own internal details like services or components and a well defined public API.

https://angular.fr › modules

Comprendre les modules dans Angular

En termes simples, un module Angular est une manière de regrouper des composants, des directives, des pipes et des services qui sont associés. Tout comme comment les classes sont utilisées pour regrouper des méthodes et des propriétés dans la programmation orientée objet, les modules Angular sont utilisés pour regrouper des ...

https://www.ganatan.com › tutorials › modules-avec-angular

Comprendre et tester les modules Angular, définition des modules Javascript

Angular est un Framework Typescript qui permet de gérer la notion de modules de deux manières. La première en utilisant les modules ECMAScript 6 et la seconde en utilisant NgModules le système spécifique à Angular. Ce sont deux fonctionnalités différentes mais complémentaires, qui permettent de mieux structurer le code de nos applications.

https://angular.io › guide › example-apps-list

Angular - Example applications

The following is a list of the example applications in the Angular documentation. Fundamentals link. These examples demonstrate minimal, fundamental concepts. Getting started application link. live example / download example. Introductory application demonstrating Angular features. For more information, see Getting started. Launching your app link.

https://angular.dev › guide › ngmodules

NgModule • Overview • Angular

NgModules consolidate components, directives, and pipes into cohesive blocks of functionality, each focused on a feature area, application business domain, workflow, or common collection of utilities. Modules can also add services to the application.

https://malcoded.com › posts › angular-fundamentals-modules

Lern how to split your Angular App into Modules [Includes Lazy-Loading]

The most prominent of them is the AppModule. This module is the root module of your application and is absolutely necessary to run your application. In here you define, which components your app is using and what other modules you might want to use. So how does it look like? Here is a basic AppModule generated by the angular-cli.

Lern how to split your Angular App into Modules [Includes Lazy-Loading]

https://angular.dev › guide › ngmodules › module-types

Types of feature modules • Angular

Types of feature modules • Angular. Concepts. NgModule. Guidelines for creating NgModules. This topic provides a conceptual overview of the different categories of NgModules you can create in order to organize your code in a modular structure. These categories are not cast in stone —they are suggestions.

https://v2.angular.io › docs › ts › latest › guide › ngmodule.html

NgModules - ts - GUIDE - Angular

Live examples. This page explains NgModules through a progression of improvements to a sample with a "Tour of Heroes" theme. Here's an index to live examples at key moments in the evolution of the sample: A minimal NgModule app. The first contact module. The revised contact module. Just before adding SharedModule. The final version.

https://www.w3schools.com › angular › angular_modules.asp

Angular Modules - W3Schools

An AngularJS module defines an application. The module is a container for the different parts of an application. The module is a container for the application controllers. Controllers always belong to a module. Creating a Module. A module is created by using the AngularJS function angular.module. <div ng-app="myApp">... </div> <script>