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How to connect to oracle database using spring boot

I'm working with Spring Boot application and trying to access an Oracle database. Although it was successfully built, it gives the error below when I am trying to deploy in Kubernetes. I changed the application.properties file and pom.xml file with below configurations: Application.yml.

https://springframework.guru › configuring-spring-boot-for-oracle

Configuring Spring Boot for Oracle - Spring Framework Guru

Learn how to use Spring Boot to connect to Oracle database with JDBC driver, properties file, or Java configuration. See examples of basic and advanced Oracle properties and settings for Spring Boot applications.

https://www.codejava.net › frameworks › spring-boot › connect-to-oracle-database-examples

Spring Boot Connect to Oracle Database Examples - CodeJava.net

Here are the steps which you need to follow in order to configure a Spring Boot project working with an Oracle database: Add a dependency for Oracle JDBC driver that connects Java applications with an Oracle database server. Configure data source properties for the database connection information.

https://docs.spring.io › spring-boot › appendix › application-properties

Common Application Properties :: Spring Boot

Various properties can be specified inside your application.properties file, inside your application.yaml file, or as command line switches. This appendix provides a list of common Spring Boot properties and references to the underlying classes that consume them.

https://www.baeldung.com › spring-oracle-connection-pooling

Oracle Connection Pooling With Spring - Baeldung

Currently, the best way to enable UCP in a spring-boot application is through the Oracle-provided spring-boot-starter library. Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) for JDBC provides a full-featured implementation for caching JDBC connections.

https://docs.spring.io › spring-boot › how-to › properties-and-configuration.html

Properties and Configuration :: Spring Boot

The appendix includes an application.properties example with a list of the most common properties supported by Spring Boot. The definitive list comes from searching the source code for @ConfigurationProperties and @Value annotations as well as the occasional use of Binder.

https://blogs.oracle.com › developers › post › configuring-the-oracle-jdbc-drivers-in-a...

Configuring the Oracle JDBC drivers in a SpringBoot project - Take 2

We do this by adding the following configuration properties to application.properties: We can see now a property named spring.datasource.type that defines the type of DataSource to be used. This prompts Spring Boot to switch to Oracle UCP instead of HikariCP. There are additional properties that make sense for UCP as well.

https://www.javaguides.net › 2020 › 01 › spring-boot-hibernate-oracle-crud-example.html

Spring Boot CRUD Restful API with Oracle database - Java Guides

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to integrate the Oracle database with the Spring boot application. We will develop CRUD Rest web services using Spring boot with Oracle database and we will test it using Postman Client.

Spring Boot CRUD Restful API with Oracle database - Java Guides

https://www.oracle.com › database › technologies › oracledb-and-spring-springboot.html

Using Spring and Spring Boot with Oracle Database

Oracle JDBC, UCP, and Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices. Java developers love Spring. The Oracle Database is committed to support Spring through code contribution and the integration of our Java frameworks or libraries.

https://dzone.com › articles › configuring-spring-boot-for-oracle

Configuring Spring Boot for Oracle - DZone

Spring Boot Configuration Oracle Properties. In this example, I’m going to show you how to externalise the Oracle connection properties to a properties file.

Configuring Spring Boot for Oracle - DZone