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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 28921127

asynchronous - How to wait for a JavaScript Promise to resolve before ...

Use await/async on promises to await them before your synchronous code: // you must await the promises into this nested await/async await (async => { console.debug('1'); await Promise.resolve('1'); console.debug('2'); await Promise.resolve('2'); })(); // /!\ do not forget the () // your follow-up synchronous code console.debug('3');

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 27759593

How do I wait for a promise to finish before returning the variable of ...

async function waitForPromise() { // let result = await any Promise, like: let result = await Promise.resolve('this is a sample promise'); } Added due to comment: An async function always returns a Promise, and in TypeScript it would look like:

https://javascript.info › async-await

Async/await - The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Learn how to use async/await syntax to work with promises in JavaScript. See examples of async functions, await keyword, error handling, and top-level await in modules.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Learn › JavaScript › Asynchronous › Promises

How to use promises - Learn web development | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Inside an async function, you can use the await keyword before a call to a function that returns a promise. This makes the code wait at that point until the promise is settled, at which point the fulfilled value of the promise is treated as a return value, or the rejected value is thrown.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Learn › JavaScript › Asynchronous › Promises

Comment utiliser les promesses - Apprendre le développement web - MDN

Les promesses (ou promises en anglais) sont une brique fondamentale pour la programmation asynchrone en JavaScript. Une promesse est un objet renvoyé par une fonction asynchrone et qui représente l'état courant de l'opération. Au moment où la promesse est renvoyée à l'appelant, l'opération n'est généralement pas terminée, mais la promesse fournit des méthodes pour gérer la ...

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Operators › await

await - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Learn how to use the await operator in JavaScript to pause the execution of an async function until a Promise is settled. See examples of awaiting promises, thenable objects, and non-thenable values, and how to handle rejections and top level await.

https://bobbyhadz.com › blog › javascript-wait-promise-resolve-before-returning

Wait for a Promise to Resolve before Returning in JS

Learn how to use async/await, then(), or setTimeout() to wait for a promise to resolve before returning in JavaScript. See examples, code snippets, and explanations of promise states and handling errors.

Wait for a Promise to Resolve before Returning in JS

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › javascript-promises-async-await-and-promise-methods

How to Use JavaScript Promises – Callbacks, Async/Await, and Promise ...

Learn how to use promises and async/await in JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations without callback hell. See examples of creating, resolving, rejecting, and chaining promises, and how to use promise methods like all, race, and finally.

How to Use JavaScript Promises – Callbacks, Async/Await, and Promise ...

https://www.sitepoint.com › javascript-async-await

A Beginner’s Guide to JavaScript async/await, with Examples

Can I use async/await in a loop? Yes, you can use async/await in a loop. However, be aware that if you’re using await in a loop, each iteration will wait for the Promise to resolve before moving ...

A Beginner’s Guide to JavaScript async/await, with Examples

https://dev.to › kelvinguchu › mastering-asynchronous-javascript-promises-asyncawait-error...

Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, async/await, Error ...

To avoid this, consider using promises or async/await syntax, which provide a more linear and readable way to handle asynchronous operations. Promises allow you to chain asynchronous tasks, while async/await simplifies the syntax by using asynchronous functions with a synchronous-like flow. 3.