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https://www.programiz.com › c-programming › library-function › math.h › sqrt

C sqrt() - C Standard Library - Programiz

The sqrt() function takes a single argument (in double) and returns its square root (also in double). [Mathematics] √x = sqrt(x) [In C Programming] The sqrt() function is defined in math.h header file.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › sqrt-function-in-c

sqrt () Function in C - GeeksforGeeks

sqrt () function in C is a predefined function in the math.h library used to calculate the square root of a given number. To use this function, we must include the <math.h> header file in our program.

https://www.tutorialspoint.com › c_standard_library › c_function_sqrt

C library - sqrt() function - Online Tutorials Library

The C library sqrt () function of type double accept the variable x (double) as parameter to return the result of square root. The square of a number is obtained by multiplying the number by itself.

https://codetofun.com › c › math-functions › sqrt

C sqrt() Function - CodeToFun

The sqrt() function returns the square root of the given number as a double. If the input is negative, the function returns NaN (Not a Number). Common Use Cases.

C sqrt() Function - CodeToFun

https://en.cppreference.com › w › c › numeric › math › sqrt

sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl - cppreference.com

Parameters. Return value. If no errors occur, square root of arg (√arg), is returned. If a domain error occurs, an implementation-defined value is returned (NaN where supported). If a range error occurs due to underflow, the correct result (after rounding) is returned. Error handling. Errors are reported as specified in math_errhandling.

https://www.w3schools.com › c › ref_math_sqrt.php

C Math sqrt() Function - W3Schools

The sqrt() function returns the square root of a number. The sqrt() function is defined in the <math.h> header file.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 3581528

How is the square root function implemented? - Stack Overflow

Simple implementation using Binary Search with C++. double root(double n){. // Max and min are used to take into account numbers less than 1. double lo = min(1, n), hi = max(1, n), mid; // Update the bounds to be off the target by a factor of 10. while(100 * lo * lo < n) lo *= 10; while(0.01 * hi * hi > n) hi *= 0.1;

https://koor.fr › C › cmath › sqrt.wp

Fonctions sqrt, sqrtf et sqrtl - Langage C - KooR.fr

Fonctions sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl. double sqrt( double value ); float sqrtf( float value ); // C99. long double sqrtl( long double value ); // C99. Ces trois fonctions permettent de calculer la racine carré d'une valeur passée en paramètre.

https://www.techonthenet.com › c_language › standard_library_functions › math_h › sqrt.php

C Language: sqrt function (Square Root) - TechOnTheNet

C Language: sqrt function (Square Root) In the C Programming Language, the sqrt function returns the square root of x. Syntax. The syntax for the sqrt function in the C Language is: double sqrt(double x); Parameters or Arguments x A value used when calculating the square root of x. Returns. The sqrt function returns the square root of x. If x ...

https://en.wikibooks.org › wiki › C_Programming › math.h › sqrt

C Programming/math.h/sqrt - Wikibooks

sqrt () is a C library function. It is mainly associated with programming language. It is considerd under [math.h] header file. function: #include<math.h> double sqrt (double x ); float sqrt (float x ); long double sqrt (long double x ); Description: sqrt computes square root. And returns The square root of x.