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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 416739

Difference between WinMain,main and DllMain in C++

main () means your program is a console application. WinMain () means the program is a GUI application -- that is, it displays windows and dialog boxes instead of showing console. DllMain () means the program is a DLL. A DLL cannot be run directly but is used by the above two kinds of applications. Therefore:

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 18709403

winapi - WinMain vs. main (C++) - Stack Overflow

WinMain() is Windows specific entry point to a Windows-based graphical application (you have windows stuff). main() is a standard C++ entry point (in Windows, it's a console based application)... That said, you can use GUI stuff in console applications and allocate console in GUI applications.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › windows › win32 › learnwin32 › winmain--the-application...

The WinMain application entry point - Win32 apps

The WinMain function is the same as wWinMain, except the command-line arguments are passed as an ANSI string. The Unicode string is preferred. You can use the ANSI WinMain function even if you compile your program as Unicode.

https://calculer.ipgirl.com › 7127 › difference-entre-winmain-main-et-dllmain-en-c.html

Différence entre WinMain, main et DllMain en C ++ Calculer Girl

WinMain signifie que le programme est une application graphique , c’est-à-dire qu’il affiche des fenêtres et des boîtes de dialog au lieu d’afficher la console. DllMain () signifie que le programme est une DLL .

https://boldena.com › article › 50003

WINMAIN and main() in C++ (Extended) | BolDena

I read a post about the differences between WinMain, main, and DllMain in C++. I learned that WinMain is for window applications, and main() is for console applications. But the post didn't explain why we need different main functions.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › windows › win32 › dlls › dllmain

Point d’entrée DllMain (Process.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

DllMain est un espace réservé pour le nom de fonction défini par la bibliothèque. Vous devez spécifier le nom réel que vous utilisez lorsque vous générez votre DLL. Pour plus d’informations, consultez la documentation fournie avec vos outils de développement.

https://speedyleion.github.io › c › c++ › windows › 2021 › 07 › 11 › WinMain-and-stdout.html

WinMain and Console Out - Nick’s Blog

The important distinction between the two entry points is, console versus graphical. Console. A console program provides standard out and standard error back to the console which started the program. When one starts the program via the icon in Windows explorer, a console window will be created and persist while the program is running. Graphical.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › windows › win32 › dlls › dllmain

DllMain entry point (Process.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

DllMain is a placeholder for the library-defined function name. You must specify the actual name you use when you build your DLL. For more information, see the documentation included with your development tools.

https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com › questions › 2079 › difference-between-dllmain...

windows - Difference between DllMain and DllEntryPoint - Reverse ...

DllMain is the name the runtime library (ATL, MFC ...) implementation expects you to supply. It's a name the linker will see referenced from the default implementation of DllEntryPoint which is named _DllMainCRTStartup in the runtime implementations.

https://theprogrammersfirst.wordpress.com › 2020 › 07 › 22 › difference-between-winmainmain...

Difference between WinMain,main and DllMain in C++

WinMain() means the program is a GUI application — that is, it displays windows and dialog boxes instead of showing console. DllMain() means the program is a DLL . A DLL cannot be run directly but is used by the above two kinds of applications.