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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 13871617

WINMAIN and main () in C++ (Extended) - Stack Overflow

Like normal DOS/console based application which has main() function as C entry point, in windows we have WinMain() instead. WinMain() is a function which is called by system during creation of a process.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 18709403

winapi - WinMain vs. main (C++) - Stack Overflow

WinMain() is Windows specific entry point to a Windows-based graphical application (you have windows stuff). main() is a standard C++ entry point (in Windows, it's a console based application)... That said, you can use GUI stuff in console applications and allocate console in GUI applications.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › windows › win32 › learnwin32 › winmain--the-application...

Point d’entrée de l’application WinMain - Win32 apps

En fait, la bibliothèque d’exécution C Microsoft (CRT) fournit une implémentation de main qui appelle WinMain ou wWinMain. Le CRT fait un peu plus de travail à l’intérieur de main. Par exemple, il appelle tous les initialiseurs statiques avant wWinMain.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › windows › win32 › learnwin32 › winmain--the-application...

The WinMain application entry point - Win32 apps

What actually happens is that the Microsoft C runtime library (CRT) provides an implementation of main that calls either WinMain or wWinMain. The CRT does some more work inside main. For example, it calls any static initializers before wWinMain.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › windows › win32 › api › winbase › nf-winbase-winmain

Fonction WinMain (winbase.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

Le nom WinMain est utilisé par la convention par de nombreux frameworks de programmation. Selon l’infrastructure de programmation, l’appel à la fonction WinMain peut être précédé et suivi d’activités supplémentaires spécifiques à ce framework.

https://speedyleion.github.io › c › c++ › windows › 2021 › 07 › 11 › WinMain-and-stdout.html

WinMain and Console Out - Nick’s Blog

When developing C/C++ programs for Windows, one needs to be aware of the two versions of main: There is the traditional main(). The entry point for a console based program. Then there is WinMain(). The entry point for a Windows graphical program. The important distinction between the two entry points is, console versus graphical. Console.

https://www.codementor.io › @malortie › build-win32-api-application-window-c-cpp-visual...

Building a Win32 App Part 3: a Simple Window | Codementor

Unlike console applications, Win32 applications need to use a specific function named WinMain. This serves as the program entry point. CALLBACK is a macro that serves as an alias for __stdcall, an exclusive Windows calling convention. int CALLBACK WinMain(.

https://en.cppreference.com › w › c › language › main_function

Main function - cppreference.com

The main function is called at program startup, after all objects with static storage duration are initialized. It is the designated entry point to a program that is executed in a hosted environment (that is, with an operating system).

http://supertos.free.fr › supertos.php

main vs WinMain - supertos.free.fr

main vs winmain . main. Classiquement, un programme en C doit contenir une procédure main(). Il s'agit de la procédure qui sera lancée automatiquement par le système après chargement du programme correspondant. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {...Le code} En entrée: argc contient le nombre de paramètres "dans" argv. Il est positionné ...

https://openclassrooms.com › forum › sujet › erreur-incomprehensible-de-mon-ide

Erreur incompréhensible de mon IDE - La fonction WinMain par ...

Enfin, un main/WinMain n'est rien de plus que le point d'entrée de ton application, en C comme en C++, rien ne t'empêche d'y mettre du code C++, il te suffit juste de mettre l'extension .cpp à ton fichier pour que msvc le détecte comme étant en langage C++.