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https://en.cppreference.com › w › cpp › language › operators

operator overloading - cppreference.com

Learn how to customize the C++ operators for user-defined types with overloaded operators. See syntax, examples, restrictions, and references for each operator.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 3417413

Operator overloading in C - Stack Overflow

Operator overloading is not available in C. Instead, you will have to use a function to "pseudo-overload" the operators: Colour add_colours(Colour c1, Colour c2) { return c1 + c2; // or whatever you need to do }

https://isocpp.org › wiki › faq › operator-overloading

Operator Overloading

By overloading standard operators on a class, you can exploit the intuition of the users of that class. This lets users program in the language of the problem domain rather than in the language of the machine. The ultimate goal is to reduce both the learning curve and the defect rate.

https://web.stanford.edu › ... › cs106l › cs106l.1162 › course-reader › Ch10_OperatorOverloading.pdf

Chapter 10: Operator Overloading - Stanford University

Second, operator overloading enables your code to interact correctly with template and library code. For example, you can overload the << operator to make a class compatible with the streams library, or the < operator to interface with STL containers.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › cpp › cpp › general-rules-for-operator-overloading

Règles générales de surcharge d'opérateur | Microsoft Learn

Il est tout aussi probable que les opérateurs qui ajoutent un Point à un Point, int à un Point, et ainsi de suite, peuvent être implémentés. Les opérateurs obéissent aux règles de priorité, de regroupement et de nombre d'opérandes dictées par leur utilisation classique avec les types intégrés.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › cpp › cpp › operator-overloading

Operator Overloading | Microsoft Learn

Learn how to use the operator keyword to redefine the meaning of built-in operators for user-defined types in C++. See syntax, examples, and rules for overloading unary, binary, assignment, and other operators.

https://en.cppreference.com › book › intro › operator_overloading

Operator overloading in C++ - cppreference.com

Operator overloading in C++ allows us to write natural expressions like d = a + b / c; with our own classes. The above expression could be equal to d = a.add(b.divide(c)); which results in hard to read code.

https://web.cs.dal.ca › ... › docs › cppreference › en › cpp › language › operators.html

operator overloading - cppreference.com - Dalhousie University

operator overloading - cppreference.com. Customizes the C++ operators for operands of user-defined types. Syntax. Overloaded operators are functions with special function names: 1) overloaded operator; 2) user-defined conversion function; 3) allocation function; 4) deallocation function; 5) user-defined literal. Overloaded operators.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › cpp › cpp › general-rules-for-operator-overloading

General Rules for Operator Overloading | Microsoft Learn

If an operator can be used as either a unary or a binary operator (&, *, +, and -), you can overload each use separately. Overloaded operators cannot have default arguments. All overloaded operators except assignment ( operator= ) are inherited by derived classes.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › operator-overloading-in-programming

Operator Overloading in Programming - GeeksforGeeks

Operator Overloading is a way to redefine the behavior of existing operators (like +, -, *, /) for user-defined types. We can specify how operators should behave when they are applied to user-defined data types or objects, providing a way to implement operations that are relevant to those objects.