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https://cloud.google.com › translate › docs › basic › translating-text

Translating text (Basic) - Google Cloud

To use AutoML models to translate text, use Cloud Translation - Advanced. Note: Cloud Translation previously offered a Phrase-Based Machine Translation (PBMT) model...

https://cloud.google.com › translate › docs › basic › translate-text-basic

Translate text with Cloud Translation Basic - Google Cloud

This page shows you how to translate a sample text by using Cloud Translation Basic. Before you can start using the Cloud Translation API, you must have a project that has the Cloud...

https://cloud.google.com › translate › docs › editions

Compare Basic and Advanced | Cloud Translation | Google Cloud

Cloud Translation - Basic lets you dynamically translate between languages by using Google's pre-trained Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model. Basic is optimized for simplicity and...

https://cloud.google.com › translate › docs › overview

What is Cloud Translation? - Google Cloud

Cloud Translation enables your websites and applications to dynamically translate text programmatically through an API. Cloud Translation uses a Google pre-trained or a custom machine learning...

https://cloud.google.com › translate › docs › setup

Setup | Cloud Translation | Google Cloud

For Cloud Translation - Basic, you can make any request regardless of the service account's permissions. Client libraries are available for several popular languages.

https://cloud.google.com › translate › pricing

Cloud Translation pricing - Google Cloud

Cloud Translation - Advanced pricing is structured by the API method and model type. For example, text and document translations are metered differently, and are therefore, charged differently.

https://geekflare.com › fr › translation-apis

9 API de traduction pour rendre votre application multilingue - Geekflare

Il propose deux éditions : Cloud Translation Basic et Cloud Translation Advanced. L’édition avancée l’emporte sur l’édition de base en termes de fonctionnalités telles que l’ajout de glossaires et de modèles ML personnalisés.

9 API de traduction pour rendre votre application multilingue - Geekflare

https://azure.microsoft.com › fr-fr › pricing › details › cognitive-services › translator

Tarification – Traducteur | Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Translator est un service de traduction automatique basé sur le cloud qui prend en charge plusieurs langues parlées dans des pays qui représentent plus de 95 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) mondial.

https://www.deepl.com › fr

DeepL Traduction – DeepL Translate : le meilleur traducteur au monde

Traduisez des textes et des documents complets en un instant. Des traductions précises accessibles aux utilisateurs uniques et aux équipes. Des millions de personnes utilisent DeepL chaque jour.