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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Common_good

Common good - Wikipedia

The common good is a concept in philosophy, economics, and political science that refers to what is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a community, or what is achieved by citizenship and participation. The article traces the historical development and variations of the common good in different philosophical doctrines and traditions.

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Common_good_(economics)

Common good (economics) - Wikipedia

A common good is a rivalrous and non-excludable good that is accessible by everybody. Learn about the history, examples, problems and solutions of common goods, and how they differ from normal goods.

https://www.thoughtco.com › what-is-the-common-good-definition-and-examples-5077957

What Is the Common Good? Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo

Common good is anything that benefits and is shared by all members of a community, such as basic rights, public safety, and natural resources. Learn the history, philosophy, and modern examples of the common good in political science.

What Is the Common Good? Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo

https://www.iesalc.unesco.org › en › 2022 › 04 › 10 › public-goods-common-goods-and-global...

Public goods, common goods and global common goods: a brief ... - UNESCO

Learn how these three concepts are defined and applied by UNESCO in the context of higher education. Find out how education is a public good, a common good and a global common good.

Public goods, common goods and global common goods: a brief ... - UNESCO

https://plato.stanford.edu › entries › common-good

The Common Good - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

In ordinary political discourse, the “common good” refers to those facilities—whether material, cultural or institutional—that the members of a community provide to all members in order to fulfill a relational obligation they all have to care for certain interests that they have in common.

https://www.britannica.com › topic › common-good

Common good | Philosophy, Ethics & Morality | Britannica

Common good is that which benefits society as a whole, in contrast to the private good of individuals and sections of society. Learn how the idea of the common good has been developed in Western political philosophy, from Aristotle to Rousseau, and its relevance to contemporary politics.

https://theconversation.com › what-does-the-common-good-actually-mean-our-research-found...

What does the ‘common good’ actually mean? Our research found common ...

The common good refers to achieving the best possible outcome for the largest number of people, which is underpinned by decision-making that is ethically and morally sound and...

https://www.responsible-economy.org › ... › a-brief-history-of-the-common-good

A brief history of the common good - World Forum

Common goods are natural, tangible, or intangible resources around which a community organizes in order to use. Perhaps the best known examples would be the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, or green spaces that exist in cities. According to American researcher David Bollier, cited in an Usbek & Rica article on common goods, it is a ...

https://link.springer.com › referenceworkentry › 10.1007 › 978-3-031-17125-3_196-1

Common Good - SpringerLink

The common good refers to what is shared and beneficial to the most members of a group, community, or organization. This entry provides an overview of the common good, revealing its long pedigree, its irreducibility to a single normative principle or set of principles, and illuminates the paradoxes of the common good.

https://www.scu.edu › ethics › ethics-resources › ethical-decision-making › the-common-good

The Common Good - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

The common good is a notion that originated in ancient philosophy and refers to the social conditions that benefit all people. Learn about the challenges and obstacles of promoting the common good in a pluralistic and individualistic society.