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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 5076944

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

The difference between undefined and null is minimal, but there is a difference. A variable whose value is undefined has never been initialized. A variable whose value is null was explicitly given a value of null, which means that the variable was explicitly set to have no value.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › undefined-vs-null-in-javascript

Undefined Vs Null in JavaScript - GeeksforGeeks

In JavaScript, both undefined and null represent the absence of a meaningful value, but they have different purposes and are used in distinct contexts. Knowing when and how to use each can help you write clearer, more predictable code. Let’s see the differences between undefined and null in JavaScript. What is undefined?

https://www.kilukru.dev › difference-de-null-et-undefined-en-javascript

Différence de Null et Undefined en JavaScript

Une variable à laquelle aucune valeur n’a été attribuée est considérée comme un type undefined. Une méthode ou un énoncé reviendrait undefined si la variable n’a pas de valeur assignée, donc sous forme de fonction. Exemple de code : Que se passe-t-il si j’ai attribué la variable snoopy à null ?

Différence de Null et Undefined en JavaScript

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 801032

Why is null an object and what's the difference between null and undefined?

The main difference between null and undefined is that null represents a missing object, while undefined represents an uninitialized state of a variable. You can think of null as an undefined object but undefined will be undefined only since its type is undefined.

Why is null an object and what's the difference between null and undefined?

https://web.dev › learn › javascript › data-types › null-undefined

null and undefined - web.dev

Although undefined and null have some functional overlap, they have different purposes. In the strictest sense, null represents a value intentionally defined as "blank," and undefined represents a lack of any assigned value. null and undefined are loosely equal, but not strictly equal.

https://www.tutorialsteacher.com › javascript › javascript-null-and-undefined

Difference between null and undefined in JavaScript - TutorialsTeacher.com

Learn what null and undefined mean in JavaScript, how to assign them, and how to check them. See examples of null and undefined variables, comparison operators, and numeric and string expressions.

https://herewecode.io › fr › blog › null-vs-undefined-javascript

Null vs Undefined en JavaScript - HereWeCode

Ici, null et undefined sont des valeurs de type falsy (valeur de type fausse) et sont donc considérées comme identiques. Dans la deuxième opération avec l’opérateur stricte, Javascript vérifie la valeur ainsi que le type de chacune des deux parties.

Null vs Undefined en JavaScript - HereWeCode

https://codeburst.io › javascript-null-vs-undefined-20f955215a2

JavaScript — Null vs. Undefined - codeburst

At first glance, null and undefined may seem the same, but they are far from it. This article will explore the differences and similarities between null and undefined in JavaScript.

JavaScript — Null vs. Undefined - codeburst

https://blog.kevinchisholm.com › javascript › difference-between-null-and-undefined

Understanding the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript

It is quite common to confuse null and undefined, but there is an important difference between them. null. Simply put, null is a JavaScript keyword that indicates the absence of a value. Surprisingly, if you run the following in your firebug console: console.log( typeof null ), you will see “object”. Don’t be fooled though. This object is ...

https://techstacker.com › javascript-null-vs-undefined-difference

What’s the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

An undefined variable is a variable that has been declared but doesn’t have a value assigned (yet). For example, try logging the following variable: let dogBreed . // undefined. You get undefined because the dogBreed variable has no value. null is a value that is commonly assigned to a variable.