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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Linear_function

Linear function - Wikipedia

In calculus and related areas, a linear function is a function whose graph is a straight line, that is, a polynomial function of degree zero or one. [2] For distinguishing such a linear function from the other concept, the term affine function is often used.

https://math.libretexts.org › Bookshelves › Linear_Algebra › Map:_Linear_Algebra_(Waldron...

1.2: What Are Linear Functions? - Mathematics LibreTexts

When a function of vectors obeys the additivity and homogeneity properties we say that it is \(\textit{linear}\) (this is the "linear'' of linear algebra). Together, additivity and homogeneity are called \(\textit{linearity}\). Other, equivalent, names for linear functions are: Function = Transformation = Operator

1.2: What Are Linear Functions? - Mathematics LibreTexts

https://courses.lumenlearning.com › ... › chapter › introduction-linear-functions

Linear Functions | College Algebra - Lumen Learning

Learn what linear functions are, how to represent them in different forms, and how to interpret their graphs. A linear function is a function with a constant rate of change, such as the growth of a bamboo plant or the motion of a Maglev train.

Linear Functions | College Algebra - Lumen Learning

https://math.libretexts.org › Courses › Western_Oregon_University › Math_110:_Applied_College...

3.2: Linear Functions - Mathematics LibreTexts

A linear function is a function that can be written f(x) = mx + b for some numbers m and b. The number m is called the slope of the function, and represents the rate of change of the function. The number b is called the vertical intercept of the function, and represents the starting value of the function.

3.2: Linear Functions - Mathematics LibreTexts

https://www.mathsisfun.com › sets › functions-common.html

Common Functions Reference - Math is Fun

Here are some of the most commonly used functions, and their graphs: Linear Function: f (x) = mx + b. Square Function: f (x) = x2. Cube Function: f (x) = x3. Square Root Function: f (x) = √x.

Common Functions Reference - Math is Fun

https://www.symbolab.com › ... › boundless-algebra › introduction-to-linear-functions.html

Study Guide - Introduction to Linear Functions - Symbolab

Key Points. A linear function is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first power of) a single variable. A function is a relation with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. A relation is a set of ordered pairs.

Study Guide - Introduction to Linear Functions - Symbolab

https://flamath.com › en › linear-function

Linear Function: Definition, Graph and Examples - Flamath

A linear function is a specific type of mathematical function that describes a linear relationship between variables, it has the form f(x)=mx+b. Meanwhile, a linear equation is an equality involving linear algebraic expressions, it has the form ax+b=0.

Linear Function: Definition, Graph and Examples - Flamath

https://math.libretexts.org › Courses › Mission_College › Math_001:_College_Algebra_(Kravets...

4.1: Linear Functions - Mathematics LibreTexts

The function describing the train’s motion is a linear function, which is defined as a function with a constant rate of change, that is, a polynomial of degree 1. There are several ways to represent a linear function, including word form, function notation, tabular form, and graphical form.

https://math.libretexts.org › Workbench › Algebra_and_Trigonometry_2e_(OpenStax) › 04:_Linear...

4.2: Linear Functions - Mathematics LibreTexts

The function describing the train’s motion is a linear function, which is defined as a function with a constant rate of change. This is a polynomial of degree 1. There are several ways to represent a linear function, including word form, function notation, tabular form, and graphical form.

https://openstax.org › books › college-algebra-2e › pages › 4-1-linear-functions

4.1 Linear Functions - College Algebra 2e - OpenStax

The function describing the train’s motion is a linear function, which is defined as a function with a constant rate of change. This is a polynomial of degree 1. There are several ways to represent a linear function, including word form, function notation, tabular form, and graphical form. We will describe the train’s motion as a function ...