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https://www.vaadata.com › blog › fr › attaques-dom-based-xss-principes-impacts-exploitations...

DOM XSS: principes, exploitations, bonnes pratiques sécurité - Vaadata

Principes, impacts, exploitations possibles, nous vous présentons dans cet article un aperçu complet des vulnérabilités DOM XSS ainsi que les bonnes pratiques pour prévenir les risques d’attaques et de compromission de vos applications web.

https://portswigger.net › web-security › cross-site-scripting › dom-based

What is DOM-based XSS (cross-site scripting)? Tutorial & Examples | Web ...

In this section, we'll describe DOM-based cross-site scripting (DOM XSS), explain how to find DOM XSS vulnerabilities, and talk about how to exploit DOM XSS with different sources and sinks.

What is DOM-based XSS (cross-site scripting)? Tutorial & Examples | Web ...

https://book.hacktricks.xyz › pentesting-web › xss-cross-site-scripting › dom-xss

DOM XSS | HackTricks

DOM-based cookie-manipulation vulnerabilities occur when a script incorporates data, which can be controlled by an attacker, into the value of a cookie. This vulnerability can lead to unexpected behavior of the webpage if the cookie is utilized within the site. Additionally, it can be exploited to carry out a session fixation attack if the ...

https://www.acunetix.com › blog › articles › dom-xss-explained

DOM XSS: An Explanation of DOM-based Cross-site Scripting

A DOM-based XSS attack is possible if the web application writes data to the Document Object Model (DOM) without proper sanitization. The attacker can manipulate this data to include, for example, malicious JavaScript code.

https://medium.com › @osamaavvan › breaking-down-dom-based-xss-a-practical-exploration-929...

Breaking Down DOM-based XSS: A Practical Exploration

During an analysis of the client-side code of a web application, a security vulnerability was discovered. The vulnerability allows for a DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack.

https://www.vaadata.com › blog › fr › failles-xss-principes-types-dattaques-exploitations-et...

Failles XSS : principes, attaques, bonnes pratiques sécurité - Vaadata

Les XSS sont dues à des failles de sécurité dans le code d’une application web. En effet, lorsqu’une application permet d’exécuter du code malveillant de la même manière que le code Javascript légitime, des attaques XSS sont possibles. Voyons cela plus en détail, étape par étape.

Failles XSS : principes, attaques, bonnes pratiques sécurité - Vaadata

https://www.vaadata.com › blog › dom-based-xss-attacks-principles-impacts-exploitations...

DOM XSS: principles, exploitations, security best practices - Vaadata

Principles, impacts, possible exploits, we present in this article a complete overview of DOM XSS vulnerabilities as well as best practices to prevent the risks of attacks and compromise of your web applications.

DOM XSS: principles, exploitations, security best practices - Vaadata

https://learn.snyk.io › lesson › dom-based-xss

DOM Based XSS | Tutorial & Examples - Snyk Learn

In 2020, a security researcher named Vinoth Kumar exploited the “Login with Facebook” button that allows third-party websites to authenticate users through Facebook. The vulnerability allowed attackers to take over Facebook accounts, earning Kumar a $20,000 Bug Bounty! DOM XSS in action.

DOM Based XSS | Tutorial & Examples - Snyk Learn

https://medium.com › iocscan › dom-based-cross-site-scripting-dom-xss-3396453364fd

DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting (DOM-XSS) - Medium

DOM-based XSS is a variant of both persistent and reflected XSS. In a DOM-based XSS attack, the malicious string is not actually parsed by the victim’s browser until the website’s legitimate...

DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting (DOM-XSS) - Medium

https://blog.unguess.io › analysis-dom-based-cross-site-scripting-xss

Advanced Analysis of DOM-Based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) - UNGUESS

DOM-Based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), a common vulnerability class within web applications, allows malicious scripts to be executed within the context of the victim's browser, giving attackers potential access to sensitive information and interaction capabilities.