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https://www.cnn.com › africa › live-news › ethiopia-conflict-updates-11-4-intl

Ethiopian rebels edge closer to Addis Ababa, as fears grow over ... - CNN

Tigrayan rebels and troops allied against Ethiopia’s central government are rapidly advancing on Addis Ababa, raising concerns that the city could fall. One of the rebel groups claimed to have...

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-africa-59347230

Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: Mass arrests and ethnic profiling haunt ...

The UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights has accused the Ethiopian police of abusing the "excessively wide" terms of the state of emergency to round up Tigrayan civilians in Addis Ababa...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2021 › 11 › 02 › world › africa › ethiopia-state-of-emergency.html

Ethiopia Declares State of Emergency as Rebels Advance Toward Capital

NAIROBI, Kenya — Ethiopia declared a state of emergency on Tuesday and called on its citizens to pick up arms and prepare to defend the capital as rebel forces from the northern region of...

Ethiopia Declares State of Emergency as Rebels Advance Toward Capital

https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › world-africa-59433271

Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: Suspicion and sacrifice as fighting ... - BBC

After dark, in a residential neighbourhood in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, dozens of civilian volunteers were busy patrolling their streets one night last week, stopping and searching...

Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: Suspicion and sacrifice as fighting ... - BBC

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-africa-59552888

Ethiopia civil war: How PM Abiy led fight-back against rebel advance - BBC

Its fighters had been around Debre Birhan town, about 130km (80 miles) from the capital, Addis Ababa, before being forced to go back about 400km to Weldiya. This means the rebels lost key towns...

Ethiopia civil war: How PM Abiy led fight-back against rebel advance - BBC

https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › world-africa-59288744

Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: How the TPLF has outflanked the army

A year ago it ousted the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) as the ruling party in the northern Tigray region - now the group's fighters are taking towns on the way to the capital, Addis...

Ethiopia's Tigray conflict: How the TPLF has outflanked the army

https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › world-africa-58869970

Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts - BBC

The Ethiopian army took control of most of Tigray in November 2020, after TPLF forces seized a military base. In June 2021, the rebels recaptured Tigray in a surprise attack, and then moved into...

Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts - BBC

https://www.npr.org › 2021 › 11 › 07 › 1051940127

Rebels are closing in on Ethiopia's capital. Its collapse could ... - NPR

A newly formed rebel alliance led by the Tigray People's Liberation Front is within striking distance of Addis Ababa. A failed state could displace millions of people and stoke more ethnic...

Rebels are closing in on Ethiopia's capital. Its collapse could ... - NPR

https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 11 › 03 › africa › ethiopia-tigray-un-ehrc-investigation-intl

Ethiopia: Rebels threaten Addis Ababa as US slams Tigray atrocities - CNN

Troops allied against Ethiopia’s central government are on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, a diplomatic source told CNN Wednesday, a day after authorities announced a nationwide state of...

Ethiopia: Rebels threaten Addis Ababa as US slams Tigray atrocities - CNN