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https://www.w3schools.com › python › ref_math_fmod.asp

Python math.fmod() Method - W3Schools

Learn how to use the math.fmod() method to return the remainder of x/y in Python. See syntax, parameter values, examples and technical details of this math function.

https://docs.python.org › 3 › library › math.html

math — Mathematical functions — Python 3.12.6 documentation

The math module provides access to the C standard mathematical functions, such as fmod(), frexp(), and log(). The fmod() function returns the remainder of x and y, as defined by the platform C library, while the x % y operator returns the remainder with the sign of y.

https://realpython.com › python-modulo-operator

Python Modulo in Practice: How to Use the % Operator

Learn how to use the modulo operator (%), which returns the remainder of dividing two numbers, in Python. See examples of modulo with int, float, negative operands, and custom classes.

Python Modulo in Practice: How to Use the % Operator

https://www.askpython.com › python › python-modulo-operator-math-fmo

Python Modulo - % Operator, math.fmod() Examples - AskPython

Learn how to use the modulo operator (% or math.fmod()) to get the remainder of a division in Python. See how it works with integers, floats, negative numbers and user inputs, and how to avoid ZeroDivisionError.

Python Modulo - % Operator, math.fmod() Examples - AskPython

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › python-fmod-function

Python | fmod() function - GeeksforGeeks

Learn how to use the math.fmod () function in Python to calculate the module of two numbers. See syntax, parameters, return value, time complexity, auxiliary space, examples and errors of this function.

https://numpy.org › doc › stable › reference › generated › numpy.fmod.html

numpy.fmod — NumPy v2.1 Manual

numpy.fmod returns the remainder of division with the same sign as the dividend, equivalent to Matlab rem function. It is different from Python modulus operator % and has different conventions for negative numbers.

https://www.tutorialgateway.org › python-fmod

Python fmod Function - Tutorial Gateway

Learn how to use the Python fmod math function to calculate the module of two arguments. See examples, syntax, and error handling for different data types and scenarios.

Python fmod Function - Tutorial Gateway

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 12754680

Modulo operator in Python - Stack Overflow

Function fmod() in the math module returns a result whose sign matches the sign of the first argument instead, and so returns -1e-100 in this case. Which approach is more appropriate depends on the application.

https://www.tutorialspoint.com › python › python_math_fmod_method.htm

Python math.fmod() Method - Online Tutorials Library

The Python math.fmod() method is used to calculate the floating-point remainder of dividing one number by another. Mathematically, it calculates the remainder when dividing the first argument (dividend) by the second argument (divisor), where both arguments are floating-point numbers.

https://www.slingacademy.com › ... › using-mod-fmod-and-divmod-functions-in-numpy-6-examples

Using mod(), fmod(), and divmod() functions in NumPy (6 examples)

Learn how to use mod, fmod, and divmod for element-wise modular arithmetic in NumPy. See examples of basic usage, floating-point operations, vectorized operations, and handling negative numbers.