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https://www.alpertron.com.ar › GAUSSIAN.HTM

Gaussian integer factorization calculator - Alpertron

This Web application factors Gaussian integers as a product of Gaussian primes. The Gaussian integers are complex numbers of the form a + b i, where both a and b are integer numbers and i is the square root of -1.

https://www.alpertron.com.ar › ECM.HTM

Integer factorization calculator - Alpertron

This web application factors numbers or numeric expressions using two fast algorithms: the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) and the Self-Initializing Quadratic Sieve (SIQS). The program uses local storage to remember the progress of factorization, so you can complete the factorization of a large number in several sessions.

Integer factorization calculator - Alpertron

https://www.thinkcalculator.com › numbers › factorize-gaussian-integer.php

Gaussian integer factorizations - Think Calculator

Gaussian integer factorizations. A Gaussian integer is either the zero, one of the four units (± 1, ± i). For the rational prime 5, Gaussian integer factorizations of 5 = (−i) (2 + i) (1 + 2i).

https://www.wolframcloud.com › objects › demonstrations › FactoringGaussianIntegers-source.nb

Factoring Gaussian Integers - WOLFRAM

Factoring Gaussian Integers. 10i+18 (7-2i)(-i) 3. (i+1) Every nonzero Gauss. an. nteger. a+b. , where. and. b. are ord. nary. ntegers and. = -1. , can be expressed un. que. y as the product of a un. t and powers of spec. a. Gauss. an pr. mes. Un. ts are 1, , -1, - Spec. a. Gauss. an pr. mes are. 1+. and pr. mes. z.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 2269810

What's a nice method to factor gaussian integers?

To find the Gaussian primes with norm p, just use Euclid's algorithm (slightly modified to work with Gaussian integers) to compute the GCD of (p, k+i). That gives one trial divisor. If it evenly divides the Gaussian integer we're trying to factor (remainder = 0), we're done. Otherwise, its conjugate is the desired factor.

https://www.had2know.org › academics › gaussian-integer-factorization.html

Gaussian Integer Factorization Calculator - Had2Know

You can use the calculator at left to factor any Gaussian integer where a and b are not equal to zero. To factor integers and pure imaginary numbers over the Gaussian primes, use the other calculator. Gaussian Prime Factorization of a Gaussian Integer. First, divide out the GCD of a and b to form a reduced Gaussian integer.

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Table_of_Gaussian_Integer_Factorizations

Table of Gaussian integer factorizations - Wikipedia

The article is a table of Gaussian Integers x + iy followed either by an explicit factorization or followed by the label (p) if the integer is a Gaussian prime. The factorizations take the form of an optional unit multiplied by integer powers of Gaussian primes.

https://www.foxcalculators.com › math › 1426.html

Gaussian integer factorizations - foxcalculators.com

Factorization: A Gaussian integer is either the zero, one of the four units (± 1, ± i). For the rational prime 5, Gaussian integer factorizations of 5 = (−i) (2 + i) (1 + 2i).

https://www.alpertron.com.ar › CALTORS.HTM

Calculators written by Dario Alpern - Alpertron

Gaussian Integer Factorization applet: Finds the factors of complex numbers of the form a+bi where a and b are integers. It also includes a complete calculator with operators and functions using gaussian integers.

https://mathworld.wolfram.com › GaussianInteger.html

Gaussian Integer -- from Wolfram MathWorld

A Gaussian integer is a complex number a+bi where a and b are integers. The Gaussian integers are members of the imaginary quadratic field Q (sqrt (-1)) and form a ring often denoted Z [i], or sometimes k (i) (Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 179).