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https://nodejs.org › api › globals.html

Global objects | Node.js v22.9.0 Documentation

Learn about the built-in objects that are available in all modules of Node.js, such as AbortController, Blob, Buffer, console, Event, fetch, global, and more. See the methods, properties, and events of each object and their usage examples.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 43627622

javascript - What is the 'global' object in NodeJS - Stack Overflow

If you want a reference to the global object that works in any context, you can read this from a directly-called function. const global = (function() {return this})();. This evaluates to window in the browser, self in a service worker and global in nodejs. – Joseph.

javascript - What is the 'global' object in NodeJS - Stack Overflow

https://nodejs.org › api › vm.html

VM (executing JavaScript) | Node.js v22.9.0 Documentation

Learn how to use the node:vm module to compile and run JavaScript code within V8 contexts. See examples, options, and methods for vm.Script, vm.Module, and vm.SourceTextModule classes.

https://dev.to › dhavalkurkutiya › understanding-javascript-global-context-execution-155a

Understanding JavaScript Global Context Execution

Learn how JavaScript code runs in the global context, with the global object, the this keyword, and execution contexts. This article covers the basics of global variables, strict mode, hoisting, and ES6 modules.

https://bruno-lesieur.developpez.com › tutoriels › javascript › es3-details › contexte-execution

Les contextes d'exécution en JavaScript - Developpez.com

Ce tutoriel explique les contextes d'exécution en JavaScript, tels que le code global, le code de fonction et le code eval. Il ne contient pas d'information sur le module node.js ou le terme global context node js.

Les contextes d'exécution en JavaScript - Developpez.com

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › how-javascript-works-behind-the-scene-javascript...

JavaScript Execution Context – How JS Works Behind the Scenes

The global execution context is created when a JavaScript script first starts to run, and it represents the global scope in JavaScript. A function execution context is created whenever a function is called, representing the function's local scope.

JavaScript Execution Context – How JS Works Behind the Scenes

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Glossary › Global_object

Global object - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms ...

Learn about the global object in JavaScript, which represents the global scope and varies depending on the execution context. Find out how to access the global object with globalThis and see examples for different environments.

https://fr.javascript.info › global-object

L'objet global - JavaScript

L’objet global fournit des variables et des fonctions qui sont disponibles partout. Par défaut, celles qui sont intégrées au langage ou à l’environnement. Dans un navigateur, c’est appelé window, pour Node.js c’est global, et pour les autres environnements, il peut porter un autre nom.

https://blog.logrocket.com › what-is-globalthis-why-use-it

What is globalThis, and why should you start using it?

In Node.js, you can access the global object using the global keyword: // node environment console.log(global); // => Object [global] {...} window , self , or frames won’t work in the Node environment.

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › execution-context-how-javascript-works-behind-the-scenes

JavaScript Execution Context – How JS Works Behind The Scenes

Global Execution Context (GEC) Whenever the JavaScript engine receives a script file, it first creates a default Execution Context known as the Global Execution Context (GEC). The GEC is the base/default Execution Context where all JavaScript code that is not inside of a function gets executed.