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Arabic Keyboard ™ لوحة المفاتيح العربية

Use this website to write and search in Arabic without an Arabic keyboard. You can click the letters on the virtual keyboard or use your computer keyboard with transliteration option.

https://www.google.com › intl › ar › inputtools

أدوات الإدخال من Google

تمكنك أدوات الإدخال من Google من التواصل باللغة التي تريدها في أي مكان وبأي أجهزة. يمكنك اختيار من بين 80 لغة وأسلوب إدخال مختلفة وتخصيص قاموسك وتصحيحاتك

أدوات الإدخال من Google

https://arabic-keyboard.org › clavier-arabe

Clavier arabe ™ لوحة المفاتيح العربية , arabic clavier

Il s'agit d'un clavier arabe, que vous pouvez utiliser pour taper en arabe si vous ne l'avez pas installé sur votre ordinateur, ou si vous n'avez pas les lettres arabes (autocollants) de votre clavier.

Clavier arabe ™ لوحة المفاتيح العربية , arabic clavier

https://www.google.com › inputtools

Google Input Tools

Type the way you want. Get your message across in the language and style you want. Switching among over 80 languages and input methods is as seamless as typing.

Google Input Tools

https://www.lexilogos.com › clavier › araby.htm

Clavier arabe en ligne LEXILOGOS

Ce site vous permet d'écrire avec l'alphabet arabe en utilisant votre clavier d'ordinateur. Il n'est pas lié à Google ni à son clavier arabe.

https://www.lexilogos.com › keyboard › arabic.htm

Arabic Keyboard Online LEXILOGOS

Learn how to type Arabic letters with the Google keyboard online. Find out how to use the computer keyboard, diacritical marks, special characters, and Arabic digits.

https://www.branah.com › arabic

Arabic Keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح العربية - Type Arabic Online

Use this online keyboard to type Arabic letters with your computer keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen. You can also switch between Arabic and Latin layouts, copy and paste text, and access Google and other apps.

http://www.arabic-keyboard.eu › index.html

Arabic Keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح العربية

Use this website to type Arabic letters online without installing Arabic keyboard. You can also search in Google, Bing, Yahoo and YouTube in Arabic with your physical keyboard.

Arabic Keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح العربية


Arabic keyboard Online - لوحة المفاتيح العربية

Arabic Keyboard Online is a free tool that lets you type in Arabic script on any browser without installing software. You can use the onscreen keyboard or your physical keyboard to type Arabic letters, vowels, diacritics and symbols.


Clavier Arabe 3000 ™ أسرع وأجدد لوحة للكتابة بالعربية

Clavier Arab vous permet d'écrire en arabe avec la souris ou le clavier, sans avoir besoin d'un clavier physique. Il offre aussi des conversions de caractères, des liens utiles et des améliorations possibles.