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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_Somalia

History of Somalia - Wikipedia

Learn about the ancient and modern history of Somalia, a country in the Horn of Africa. Explore its prehistoric origins, ancient civilizations, colonial past, civil war, and current situation.

https://www.britannica.com › topic › history-of-Somalia

History of Somalia | Events, People, Dates, Maps, & Facts

Learn about the history of Somalia, from ancient times to the present, with Britannica. Explore the geography, culture, and politics of the Horn of Africa country, as well as its relations with the outside world.

History of Somalia | Events, People, Dates, Maps, & Facts

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-africa-14094632

Somalia profile - Timeline - BBC News

A chronology of key events in the history of Somalia from first Arab sultanate in the seventh century to the present day.

Somalia profile - Timeline - BBC News

https://www.britannica.com › place › Somalia

Somalia | Election, President, News, Capital, & Economy

Learn about Somalia, the easternmost country of Africa, on the Horn of Africa. Explore its geography, history, culture, and current challenges, from colonialism to civil war to federalism.

Somalia | Election, President, News, Capital, & Economy

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Histoire_de_la_Somalie

Histoire de la Somalie — Wikipédia

L’ histoire de la Somalie (Afrique de l'Est), quelles qu'en soient les variations territoriales, peut être, à l'instar des autres États d'Afrique, divisée en période pré-coloniale, coloniale et post-coloniale. Cette dernière est marquée par des troubles ayant fait tomber les institutions somaliennes.

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Somalia

Somalia - Wikipedia

Somalia was likely one of the first lands to be settled by early humans due to its location. Hunter-gatherers who would later migrate out of Africa likely settled here before their migrations. [52] During the Stone Age, the Doian and Hargeisan cultures flourished here.

Somalia - Wikipedia

https://www.cia.gov › the-world-factbook › countries › somalia

Somalia - The World Factbook

In the late 19th century, Britain, France, and Italy established colonies in the Somali Peninsula that lasted until 1960, when British Somaliland gained independence and joined with Italian Somaliland to form the Republic of Somalia.

Somalia - The World Factbook

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-africa-14094503

Somalia country profile - BBC News

As rival warlords tore the country apart into clan-based fiefdoms, an internationally-backed unity government formed in 2000 struggled to establish control, with separatist movements in the two...

Somalia country profile - BBC News

https://www.universalis.fr › encyclopedie › somalie › 2-histoire

SOMALIE : Histoire - Encyclopædia Universalis

C'est en plusieurs vagues migratoires que les groupes constitutifs du peuple somali vont s'installer dans la péninsule orientale de l'Afrique. Les sources historiques (arabes surtout) sont tardives et peu nombreuses, mais l'étude comparée des langues, des mythes et des structures claniques permet d'en retracer les grandes phases.

SOMALIE : Histoire - Encyclopædia Universalis

https://link.springer.com › chapter › 10.1007 › 978-3-031-55732-3_1

The Origins of Conflict in Somalia: A Historical Context

Interestingly, before the outbreak of the civil war, Somalia was one of the countries involved in a number of inter -state conflicts thrice with Ethiopia and Kenya too. This shift from interstate to intrastate makes an important feature in the context of new wars.