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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_Somaliland

History of Somaliland - Wikipedia

Learn about the ancient and modern history of Somaliland, a country in the eastern Horn of Africa. Explore its prehistoric rock art, ancient civilizations, Islamic kingdoms, colonial influences, and independence movement.

https://www.britannica.com › place › Somaliland

Somaliland | Historical Region, Self-Declared State in Africa

Somaliland, historically, the area now comprising Somalia and Djibouti. The name is also used to refer to the Republic of Somaliland, a self-declared independent country in the Horn of Africa. Historical region. The region probably formed part of the “Land of Punt” known to the ancient Egyptians.

Somaliland | Historical Region, Self-Declared State in Africa

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Somaliland

Somaliland — Wikipédia

Préhistoire. Le Somaliland est habité au moins depuis le Paléolithique. Pendant l'âge de pierre, les cultures Doian et Hargeisan ont prospéré ici. La preuve la plus ancienne des coutumes funéraires dans la Corne de l'Afrique provient de cimetières du Somaliland datant du 4e millénaire avant notre ère.

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Somaliland

Somaliland - Wikipedia

Somaliland is an unrecognised country in the Horn of Africa that claims to be the successor state to British Somaliland. It declared independence from Somalia in 1991 after a civil war, but has not been recognised by any UN member state or international organisation.

Somaliland - Wikipedia

https://www.cfr.org › backgrounder › somaliland-horn-africas-breakaway-state

Somaliland: The Horn of Africa’s Breakaway State

Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991, but no country has recognized its sovereignty. Learn about its history, politics, economy, and challenges in this backgrounder from the Council on Foreign Relations.

Somaliland: The Horn of Africa’s Breakaway State

https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr › 2021 › 07 › GOUVERNEUR › 63313

The Country That Does Not Exist. A History of Somaliland

Au XIXe siècle, livrée aux appétits coloniaux, l’aire socioculturelle somalie a été découpée entre l’Italie, la Grande-Bretagne, la France (Djibouti) et l’Éthiopie (région de l’Ogaden). La gestion britannique était plus souple que l’italienne, marquée notamment par la brutalité fasciste.

The Country That Does Not Exist. A History of Somaliland

https://recognition.somalilandgov.com › history

History - Somaliland

Learn about the history of Somaliland, from its colonial past to its independence and re-assertion of sovereignty in 1991. Find out how Somaliland has developed its constitution, held elections, and pursued peace and stability despite lack of international recognition.

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-africa-14115069

Somaliland profile - BBC News

2 January. A breakaway, semi-desert territory on the coast of the Gulf of Aden, Somaliland declared independence after the overthrow of Somali military dictator Siad Barre in 1991....

Somaliland profile - BBC News

https://www.tandfonline.com › doi › full › 10.1080 › 21520844.2023.2240221

The Country That Does Not Exist: A History of Somaliland

Somaliland today is a self-declared republic, though its claim to be an independent state is not internationally recognized and it is instead seen as being a part of northern Somalia. The geographi...

https://mondediplo.com › outsidein › somaliland-thirty

Somaliland 30 years after secession - Le Monde diplomatique

Somaliland gained independence on 26 June 1960, followed by the rest of Somalia on 1 July. That day, they united to form the Republic of Somalia. The new state had to overcome considerable challenges to harmonize the different administrative traditions and balance power between various clans.

Somaliland 30 years after secession - Le Monde diplomatique
Pays de la corne de l'Afrique dont la reconnaissance est limitée

Le Somaliland, en forme longue la république du Somaliland, est un ancien territoire britannique situé dans la Corne de l'Afrique. Son indépendance autoproclamée en 1991 par rapport à la Somalie et sa Constitution du 30 avril 2000 ne sont pas reconnues par la communauté internationale.