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Introduce Yourself in Amharic! - NEW VIDEO! #አማርኛ #እንግሊዘኛ

This video helps you learn 'How to introduce YOURSELF in Amharic' Learn the Amharic language with us on 'Think in Amharic'. We upload 2 videos in Amharic, for beginners, every week. This...

https://www.youtube.com › watch

Speak Amharic: Introduce yourself in Amharic Part One

Introducing Oneself in Amharic- Part One This is the first of many Amharic classes given on our channel. Amharic is the national language of Ethiopia. To be able to communicate with...

https://www.youtube.com › watch

Self introduction in the Amharic language for beginners ... - YouTube

Self introduction in the Amharic Language for beginners@PracticeAmharic Telegram Group https://t.me/StudyAmharicPlease like and subscribe to my YouTube chann...

https://www.bbc.com › learningenglish › amharic › course › essential-english-amharic › unit-1 › ...

BBC Learning English - Course: Essential English Amharic / Unit 1 ...

Listen to find out how to introduce yourself to new people. ለአዲስ ሰው ራስዎን እንዴት ማስተዋወቅ እንደሚችሉ ያድምጡ።. Listen to the audio and take the ...

http://learn101.org › amharic_phrases.php

Amharic Phrases - LEARN101.ORG

Learn the Amharic phrases such as greetings, questions, emergency expressions, asking for direction, language practice introducing yourself holiday wishes and travel phrases.

https://www.bbc.com › learningenglish › amharic › course › essential-english-amharic

Course: Essential English Amharic / Unit 1 - BBC

Session 1. 1 Activity. My name is... ስሜ. 05 Feb 2018. Listen to find out how to introduce yourself to new people. ለአዲስ ሰው ራስዎን እንዴት ማስተዋወቅ ...


የGoogle ተርጓሚ

ከክፍያ ነፃ የሚቀርበው የGoogle አገልግሎት በእንግሊዝኛ እና ከ100 በላይ በሚሆኑ ሌሎች ቋንቋዎች መካከል ቃላትን፣ ሀረጎችን እና ድረ-ገጾችን በፍጥነት ይተረጉማል።.

https://www.bbc.co.uk › learningenglish › course › essential-english-amharic

Course: Essential English Amharic / Unit 1 - BBC

How can I get to…? እንዴት መሄድ እችላለሁ? 07 Nov 2018. Listen to find out how to get to places. እንዴት ወደተለያዩ ቦታዎች መሄድ እንደሚቻል ...

https://turbolangs.com › en-gb › learn-amharic

Learn Amharic: How to Begin the Right Way - TURBOLANGS

How long would it take me to master the alphabet? Should I be aware of dialects and varieties, just like English? How long it would take me to become conversational? Thus, I decided to list some tips below, drawn from my own experience with the language.

Learn Amharic: How to Begin the Right Way - TURBOLANGS

https://amhariclessons.blogspot.com › 2011 › 08 › introducing-yourself-in-amharic.html

Amharic Lessons: Introducing Yourself in Amharic - Blogger

Introducing Yourself in Amharic. Lesson One. Name :Sim (ስም) My Name : Sime (ስሜ) You (Polite) : Iriso / Isswo (እርሶ) Yours (Polite) : yersiwo (የእርሶ) How about yours : Yersiwoss (የእርሶስ) Hello my name is Pitt . What is yours? Tena-yistillin Sime Pitt Naew .yersiwoss ? (ጤና ይስጥልኝ! ስሜ ፒት ይባላል ::) Expressing Nationality. Ethiopia : ityopiya [ ኢትዮጵያ ]