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https://www.typescriptlang.org › download

How to set up TypeScript

Learn how to install TypeScript as an npm module, a NuGet package or a Visual Studio extension. Find out how to use the TypeScript compiler (tsc) and other tools to convert TypeScript files to JavaScript.

https://dev.to › arikaturika › how-to-install-and-run-typescript-on-windows-beginner-s...

How to install and run Typescript on Windows - beginner's guide

Learn how to use Typescript, a superset of Javascript that adds static typing and other features, on Windows. Follow the steps to install Typescript via npm, create a .ts file, compile it to .js and run it with Node.

How to install and run Typescript on Windows - beginner's guide

https://www.typescripttutorial.net › typescript-tutorial › setup-typescript

TypeScript Setup

Learn how to set up a TypeScript development environment with Node.js, TypeScript compiler, and VS Code. Follow the steps to install the tools and extensions, and use the tsc and ts-node commands to compile and run TypeScript code.

TypeScript Setup

https://code.visualstudio.com › Docs › languages › typescript

TypeScript Programming with Visual Studio Code

The easiest way to install TypeScript is through npm, the Node.js Package Manager. If you have npm installed, you can install TypeScript globally (-g) on your computer by: npm install -g typescript. You can test your install by checking the version. tsc --version

TypeScript Programming with Visual Studio Code

https://typescriptbook.dev › article › Getting_Started_with_TypeScript_Installation_and...

Getting Started with TypeScript Installation and Setup

Learn how to install TypeScript globally on your Windows machine and create a new TypeScript project with Node.js and npm. Also, configure TypeScript with a tsconfig.json file and explore its features and benefits.

https://graphite.dev › guides › install-typescript

How to install TypeScript - Graphite.dev

Learn how to install TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, using npm (Node Package Manager) for local or global projects. Follow the steps to create a TypeScript configuration file, tsconfig.json, and customize the compiler options.

https://www.typescriptlang.org › fr

TypeScript: JavaScript With Syntax For Types.

Télécharger. Installer TypeScript. Adoptez TypeScript graduellement. Fichier JavaScript. Appliquez des types à votre projet JavaScript progressivement, chaque étape améliore les capacités de votre éditeur et améliore votre codebase. Prenons ce code JavaScript incorrect, et voyons comment TypeScript peut détecter les erreurs dans votre éditeur.

https://typescriptbook.dev › article › Getting_started_with_TypeScript_Setting_up_your...

Getting started with TypeScript Setting up your development environment

Learn how to install TypeScript globally and as a project dependency using npm, and how to configure your editor to use it. Follow the steps to create a TypeScript file, compile it, and write some code with static typing.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › training › modules › typescript-get-started

Bien démarrer avec TypeScript - Training | Microsoft Learn

Découvrir comment TypeScript constitue une amélioration par rapport à JavaScript pour le développement web. Sélectionner un éditeur TypeScript. Installer TypeScript. Configurer un projet TypeScript dans Visual Studio Code.

https://dev.to › jakaria › how-to-install-typescript-and-write-your-first-program-1fj4

How to Install TypeScript and write your first program

1 Why Developers Need TypeScript 2 Exploring TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide 3 How to Install TypeScript and write your first program 4 Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with TypeScript: A Beginner's Guide. TypeScript has become a popular choice for many developers due to its strong typing and excellent tooling support. In this guide, we'll walk you through installing TypeScript and ...