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https://doc.embedded-wizard.de › uint-type

Data types: uint8, uint16, uint32 - Embedded Wizard

Represents an unsigned integer number stored with 8, 16 or 32 bit. Type syntax. uint8. uint16. uint32. Literal syntax. decimal‑literal. 0x hex‑decimal‑literal. Discussion. The number of bits determines directly the range for the respective values: The unsigned integer numbers may be expressed in either decimal or hexadecimal notation.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 6013245

Are types like uint32, int32, uint64, int64 defined in any stdlib header?

This answer is wrong. All of the above are only available if an exact width type of that size (no padding) exists in the implementation. Even if not, however, the types int_leastNN_t and uint_leastNN_t for NN 8, 16, 32, and 64 must always exist.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › cpp › cpp › int8-int16-int32-int64

__int8, __int16, __int32, __int64 | Microsoft Learn

Les types __int8, __int16 et __int32 sont des synonymes pour les types ANSI qui ont la même taille et sont utiles pour écrire du code portable qui se comporte de manière identique sur plusieurs plateformes.

https://en.cppreference.com › w › c › types › integer

Fixed width integer types (since C99) - cppreference.com

The implementation may define typedef names intN_t, int_fastN_t, int_leastN_t, uintN_t, uint_fastN_t, and uint_leastN_t when N is not 8, 16, 32 or 64. Typedef names of the form intN_t may only be defined if the implementation supports an integer type of that width with no padding.

https://en.cppreference.com › w › cpp › types › integer

Fixed width integer types (since C++11) - cppreference.com

The implementation may define typedef names intN_t, int_fastN_t, int_leastN_t, uintN_t, uint_fastN_t, and uint_leastN_t when N is not 8, 16, 32 or 64. Typedef names of the form intN_t may only be defined if the implementation supports an integer type of that width with no padding.

https://www.learncpp.com › cpp-tutorial › fixed-width-integers-and-size-t

4.6 — Fixed-width integers and size_t – Learn C++ - LearnCpp.com

When storing integral values where a specific size is important, it’s generally best to avoid std::int8_t and std::uint8_t (and the related fast and least types) and use std::int16_t or std::uint16_t instead.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › cpp › c-runtime-library › standard-types

Types standard | Microsoft Learn

C++, C et Assembleur. Types standard. Article. 12/10/2023. 13 contributeurs. Commentaires. La bibliothèque Runtime Microsoft définit les types et typedefs standard suivants. Types intégraux à largeur fixe (stdint.h) Agrandir le tableau. Voir aussi. Informations de référence sur la bibliothèque Runtime C.

https://cplusplus.com › reference › cstdint

<cstdint> (stdint.h) - C++ Users

<cstdint> header. <cstdint> (stdint.h) Integer types. This header defines a set of integral type aliases with specific width requirements, along with macros specifying their limits and macro functions to create values of these types. Types. The following are typedefs of fundamental integral types or extended integral types.

https://en.cppreference.com › w › cpp › header › cstdint

Standard library header <cstdint> (C++11) - cppreference.com

Standard library headers. This header was originally in the C standard library as <stdint.h>. This header is part of the type support library, providing fixed width integer types and part of C numeric limits interface. Synopsis.

https://www.gnu.org › software › libc › manual › html_node › Integers.html

Integers (The GNU C Library)

20.1 Integers. The C language defines several integer data types: integer, short integer, long integer, and character, all in both signed and unsigned varieties. The GNU C compiler extends the language to contain long long integers as well.