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https://www.reuters.com › world › europe › key-facts-kosovo-independent-15-years-serbia-2023...

Key facts on Kosovo, independent for 15 years from Serbia

May 30 (Reuters) - Kosovo marked the 15th anniversary of its declaration of independence from Serbia in February this year. Here are key facts about the small western Balkan republic:...

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › International_recognition_of_Kosovo

International recognition of Kosovo - Wikipedia

Kosovo is recognised as independent by 114 UN member states, but not by Serbia or Russia. The status of Kosovo is disputed and has been the subject of diplomatic, legal, and military conflicts.

International recognition of Kosovo - Wikipedia

https://www.aljazeera.com › news › 2023 › 2 › 17 › mapping-the-countries-that-recognise-kosovo...

Which countries recognise Kosovo’s statehood? - Al Jazeera

February 17 marks 15 years since Kosovo declared independence from Serbia. Serbia does not recognise Kosovo’s statehood. Neither does Russia, China and five European Union countries – Spain,...

Which countries recognise Kosovo’s statehood? - Al Jazeera

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Political_status_of_Kosovo

Political status of Kosovo - Wikipedia

Kosovo is a disputed territory that declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but is not recognized by all UN member states. Learn about the history, background and current situation of the political status of Kosovo from this Wikipedia article.

Political status of Kosovo - Wikipedia

https://www.reuters.com › world › europe › kosovo-celebrates-independence-with-eye-reaching...

Kosovo celebrates 15 years of independence with eye to reaching deal ...

Kosovo feted 15 years of independence with a parade of soldiers and police cheered by thousands in Pristina on Friday with an eye to a normalisation deal with Serbia, key to stability in a...

https://www.reuters.com › world › europe › why-kosovos-stand-off-with-serbs-goes-15-years...

Explainer: Why Kosovo's stand-off with Serbs goes on 15 years after ...

Fifteen years after Kosovo declared independence, 50,000 minority Serbs in the north bordering Serbia refuse to recognise state institutions, get pay and benefits from Serbia's budget and pay no ...

https://www.rfi.fr › fr › connaissances › 20230217-kosovo-quinze-ans-d-indépendance-et...

Kosovo, quinze ans d'indépendance et toujours en quête de ... - RFI

Ce vendredi 17 février, le Kosovo célèbre les 15 ans de son indépendance, toujours contestée. Un quart de siècle après la guerre, le petit État des Balkans peine à tourner la page. Un accord de...

Kosovo, quinze ans d'indépendance et toujours en quête de ... - RFI

https://www.aljazeera.com › news › 2023 › 9 › 24 › why-kosovos-standoff-with-serbs-continues-15...

Why Kosovo’s standoff with Serbs continues 15 years after statehood

24 Sep 2023. The storming of a north Kosovo monastery has thrown attention on persistent trouble in the ethnic Serbian-majority region 15 years after Pristina declared independence. Here are...

Why Kosovo’s standoff with Serbs continues 15 years after statehood

https://theconversation.com › kosovo-consolidating-its-statehood-remains-an-uphill...

Kosovo: consolidating its statehood remains an uphill struggle 16 years ...

The stream of countries recognising Kosovo’s independence has stalled. In fact, Israel is the only country to establish diplomatic ties with Kosovo in the last six years.

Kosovo: consolidating its statehood remains an uphill struggle 16 years ...

https://www.bbc.com › news › world-europe-18328859

Kosovo profile - BBC News

2008 - Kosovo unilaterally declares independence. 2012 - Group of countries overseeing Kosovo since 2008 ends its supervisory role. Nato-led peacekeepers and EU rule-of-law monitors...

Kosovo profile - BBC News