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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 2214525

What is the PostgreSQL equivalent for ISNULL () - Stack Overflow

IsNull forces the result-type to the type of argument1, while coalesce uses the respective types for each argument. If you just search-and-replace isnull with coalesce, you can potentially get a lot of errors...

https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-isnull

Looking for PostgreSQL ISNULL? Use COALESCE or CASE

PostgreSQL does not have the ISNULL function. However, you can use the COALESCE function which provides similar functionality. Note that the COALESCE function returns the first non-null argument, so the following syntax has a similar effect as the ISNULL function above: COALESCE(expression,replacement)

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 23766084

Best way to check for "empty or null value" - Stack Overflow

What is best way to check if value is null or empty string in Postgres sql statements? Value can be long expression so it is preferable that it is written only once in check. Currently I'm using: coalesce( trim(stringexpression),'')='' But it looks a bit ugly.

https://dev.to › dbvismarketing › handling-nulls-in-postgresql-alternatives-to-isnull-191f

Handling NULLs in PostgreSQL: Alternatives to ISNULL

Learn about effective alternatives to the ISNULL function in PostgreSQL, focusing on COALESCE and CASE statements. PostgreSQL's approach to NULL values includes functions like COALESCE , which handles multiple inputs:

https://medium.com › the-table-sql-and-devtalk › exploring-postgresql-isnull-alternatives...

PostgreSQL ISNULL Alternatives | The Table /* SQL and devtalk - Medium

PostgreSQL doesn’t include the ISNULL function, common in other SQL dialects. This article briefly explores suitable alternatives within PostgreSQL that achieve similar functionality.

PostgreSQL ISNULL Alternatives | The Table /* SQL and devtalk - Medium

https://docs.postgresql.fr › 11 › functions-comparison.html

9.2. Fonctions et opérateurs de comparaison - PostgreSQL

Pour les entrées non NULL, IS DISTINCT FROM est identique à l'opérateur <>. Néanmoins, si les entrées sont NULL, il renvoie faux. Si une seule entrée est NULL, il renvoie vrai.

https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-coalesce

PostgreSQL COALESCE() Function - PostgreSQL Tutorial

In practice, you often use the COLAESCE() function to substitute a default value for null when querying data from nullable columns. For example, if you want to display the excerpt from a blog post and the excerpt is not provided, you can use the first 150 characters of the content of the post.

https://www.commandprompt.com › education › postgresql-isnull-function-with-examples

PostgreSQL ISNULL Function With Examples - CommandPrompt Inc.

So, the question is, does Postgres provide any equivalent of the ISNULL function? Yes! Postgres offers a COALESCE function that can assist us in such scenarios. Moreover, in Postgres, you can use the CASE expression to achieve the same functionality.

PostgreSQL ISNULL Function With Examples - CommandPrompt Inc.

https://medium.com › the-table-sql-and-devtalk › postgresql-isnull-function-the-missing...

PostgreSQL ISNULL Function: The Missing ISNULL Function

The PostgreSQL ISNULLexample equivalent for that query is: 1 SELECT name, price, COALESCE(stock_level, 0) AS stock_level 2 FROM products; Similarly, COALESCE also returns the non-NULL expression.

https://yoshi.dbvis.com › webb › thetable › isnull-postgresql-example

PostgreSQL ISNULL: The Missing Function - yoshi.dbvis.com

Let’s figure out whether or not the PostgreSQL ISNULL function exists and explore ISNULL function alternatives and example list to get the same functionality.