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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 2396493

java - What is a classpath and how do I set it? - Stack Overflow

The java command uses the CLASSPATH environment variable or the classpath specified with the -cp option to locate user Java classes whose location it doesn't know.

https://docs.oracle.com › javase › tutorial › essential › environment › paths.html

PATH and CLASSPATH (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Java Classes > The ...

Learn how to set the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables on Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and Linux for running Java applications and tools. See examples, instructions, and tips for different platforms.

PATH and CLASSPATH (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Java Classes > The ...

https://www.delftstack.com › fr › howto › java › java-classpath-

Définir le classpath en Java - Delft Stack

Définition de classpath à partir de la ligne de commande. Définition du classpath à l’aide de l’option -classpath. Affichage du classpath. Sommaire. Ce didacticiel présente la procédure pour définir le classpath en Java et répertorie quelques exemples de codes pour comprendre le sujet.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › classpath-in-java

CLASSPATH in Java - GeeksforGeeks

The ClassPath is a parameter in the Java Virtual Machine(JVM) or the Java compiler that is used by a system or application ClassLoader to locate and load compiled Java bytecodes stored in the ".class" file. On the other hand, The Path is also an environment variable path that behaves as a mediator between the operating system and ...

https://docs.oracle.com › javase › 8 › docs › technotes › tools › windows › classpath.html

2 Setting the Class Path - Oracle

You can change the class path by using the -classpath or -cp option of some Java commands when you call the JVM or other JDK tools or by using the CLASSPATH environment variable. See JDK Commands Class Path Options.

https://docs.oracle.com › javase › 7 › docs › technotes › tools › windows › classpath.html

Setting the class path - Oracle

Learn how to set the class path for Java applications and tools using the -classpath option or the CLASSPATH environment variable. The class path specifies the locations of classes and resources files that are not part of the Java platform or extensions.

https://howtodoinjava.com › java › basics › java-classpath

How to set CLASSPATH in Java - HowToDoInJava

Learn how to set classpath in Java either as an environment variable and pass as the command-line argument. During runtime of any Java application, the CLASSPATH is a parameter that tells the JVM where to look for classes and packages.

How to set CLASSPATH in Java - HowToDoInJava

https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Classpath_(java)

Classpath (java) — Wikipédia

Classpath est un paramètre passé à une machine virtuelle Java qui définit le chemin d'accès au répertoire où se trouvent les classes et les packages Java afin qu'elle les exécute.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › how-to-set-classpath-in-java

How to Set Classpath in Java? - GeeksforGeeks

While PATH points to the location of Java executables like javac and java, CLASSPATH is used to specify the locations where the class files or libraries are stored. A correctly configured CLASSPATH ensures that your Java programs run smoothly without errors related to missing class files.

https://www.baeldung.com › java-classpath-vs-build-path

Understanding Java’s Classpath vs. Build Path - Baeldung

The classpath is an environment variable used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to locate and load classes when running a Java program. It specifies a list of directories, JAR files, and ZIP files where the JVM should look to find and load class files.