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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 1966476

string - How can I process each letter of text using Javascript ...

You can now iterate over individual Unicode code points contained in a String by using String.prototype[@@iterator], which returns a value of well known Symbol type Symbol.iterator - the default iterator for array-like Objects (String in this case).

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 19563435

for/in loop with string in JavaScript - Stack Overflow

In javascript for..in works this way: console.log(key, objectOrArray[key]); Hence it always outputs the key, which is the character index (0 based) when looping through a string. You can also use the same behaviour on strings like so:

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › how-to-iterate-over-characters-of-a-string-in-javascript

How to Iterate Over Characters of a String in JavaScript - GeeksforGeeks

To iterate over characters of a string using `reduce ()`, convert the string to an array of characters with split (”), then use reduce () to concatenate each character to the accumulator, resulting in the complete string.

How to Iterate Over Characters of a String in JavaScript - GeeksforGeeks

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › for...in

for...in - JavaScript | MDN

The for...in loop below iterates over all of the object's enumerable, non-symbol properties and logs a string of the property names and their values.

https://log4javascript.org › exploring-javascript-looping-through-strings

JavaScript Looping Through Strings: Mastering Techniques

Discover the power of JavaScript for iterating through strings. Learn traditional while loops, classic for loops, for-of loops, and methods for string manipulation.

JavaScript Looping Through Strings: Mastering Techniques

https://thewebdev.info › 2022 › 02 › 10 › how-to-loop-through-a-string-with-javascript

How to loop through a string with JavaScript? - The Web Dev

To loop through a string with JavaScript, we can use the for-of loop. For instance, we write: console.log(s) to loop through each character of str with the for-of loop. s is the character of str being looped through. Therefore, we see: logged.

https://www.jsdiaries.com › how-to-loop-through-a-string-in-javascript

How to Loop Through a String in JavaScript - JSdiaries

So, how exactly do you loop through a string in JavaScript? Let’s say we have a string like so: Using the latest in ES6 syntax: Notice how we are spreading text into an array and then using forEach as you would for any other array type. But how exactly is that possible, how can you spread a string value?

https://code-basics.com › languages › javascript › lessons › iteration-over-string

JavaScript: Iterating over a string - Code Basics

JavaScript: Iterating over a string. You can use loops to process strings as well as numbers. Mainly as a method for retrieving a specific character by its index. Below is an example of code that prints each letter of a word on a single line: const printNameBySymbol = (name) => {. let i = 0;

https://betterprogramming.pub › how-to-iterate-through-strings-in-javascript-65c51bb3ace5

How to Iterate Through Strings in JavaScript - Better Programming

For many things in JavaScript, there’s not a single way to achieve them. A thing as simple as iterating over each character in a string is one of them. Let’s explore some methods and discuss their upsides and downsides. Before we start, we need to come back to a much more basic question.

How to Iterate Through Strings in JavaScript - Better Programming

https://www.tutorialkart.com › javascript › javascript-iterate-over-characters-of-a-string

How to iterate over Characters of a String in JavaScript? - Tutorial Kart

To iterate over characters of a given string in JavaScript, use For loop to iterate the index from zero to length of the string, and during each iteration access the respective character using index.