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Learn JavaScript Online - Courses for Beginners - javascript.com

JavaScript.com is a resource for the JavaScript community, offering free courses, events, and data on the popular programming language. Celebrate 27 years of JavaScript with interactive tutorials, live builds, and panel discussions.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript

JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Learn JavaScript, the lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions, from MDN, the open source web documentation project. Find tutorials, guides, reference, and more for beginners and experts.


The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Learn JavaScript from scratch to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations and examples. This tutorial covers the language itself, working with a browser, and additional articles on various topics.

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial


React - Une bibliothèque JavaScript pour créer des interfaces ...

Définissez des vues simples pour chaque état de votre application, et lorsque vos données changeront, React mettra à jour, de façon optimale, juste les composants qui en auront besoin. Des vues déclaratives rendent votre code plus prévisible et plus facile à déboguer.

React - Une bibliothèque JavaScript pour créer des interfaces ...

https://www.javascript.com › try

Try JavaScript

Start learning JavaScript with our interactive simulator for free. Our easy to follow JavaScript tutorials for beginners will have you coding the basics in no time.

https://nodejs.org › en

Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere

Node.js® is a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that lets developers create servers, web apps, command line tools and scripts. Download Node.js (LTS) Downloads Node.js v20.17.01 with long-term support.

Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere


CodePen: Online Code Editor and Front End Web Developer Community

Build, share, and learn JavaScript, CSS, and HTML with our online code editor. CodePen doesn't work very well without JavaScript. We're all for progressive enhancement, but CodePen is a bit unique in that it's all about writing and showing front end code, including JavaScript.

CodePen: Online Code Editor and Front End Web Developer Community

https://www.javascript.com › about

JavaScript.com | About

JavaScript.com is a resource built by the Pluralsight team for the JavaScript community. Because JavaScript is a great language for coding beginners, we've gathered some of the best learning resources around and built a JavaScript course to help new developers get up and running.

https://devdocs.io › javascript

DevDocs — JavaScript documentation

JavaScript API documentation with instant search, offline support, keyboard shortcuts, mobile version, and more.


Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

VS Code supports almost every major programming language. Several ship in the box, like JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML, but extensions for others can be found in the VS Code Marketplace.