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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 2917175

Return multiple values in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow

A very common way to return multiple values in javascript is using an object literals, so something like: const myFunction = () => {. const firstName = "Alireza", familyName = "Dezfoolian", age = 35; return { firstName, familyName, age}; } and get the values like this: myFunction().firstName; //Alireza.

https://www.javascripttutorial.net › javascript-return-multiple-values

Returning Multiple Values from a Function - JavaScript Tutorial

Learn how to use arrays and objects to return multiple values from a JavaScript function. See examples of how to get and unpack values from arrays and objects using destructuring assignment syntax.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 29044427

JavaScript: How do I return two values from a function and call those ...

It's easy to assign multiple variable names using a returned array, if you don't want to use indexing. Here's how: Write a function foobar() that returns an array: return [foo, bar] assign the returned values to variables with let [myFoo, myBar] = [foo, bar]. now you can use myFoo and myBar elsewhere in your code.

https://www.delftstack.com › fr › howto › javascript › return-multiple-values-in-javascript

Renvoyer plusieurs valeurs en JavaScript | Delft Stack

Renvoyer plusieurs valeurs à partir d’une fonction avec des objets en JavaScript. Vous pouvez facilement disposer d’un couple key-value pour structurer vos données avec des objets.

https://sebhastian.com › javascript-return-multiple-values

JavaScript: returning multiple values from a function call

Learn how to use arrays, objects, and destructuring assignment to return multiple values from a JavaScript function. See examples, explanations, and code snippets.

JavaScript: returning multiple values from a function call

https://mindsers.blog › fr › post › retourner-plusieurs-valeurs-javascript

Comment retourner plusieurs valeurs en JavaScript - Mindsers Blog

Les fonctions JavaScript ne peuvent normalement retourner qu’une valeur à la fois. Pourtant il existe une façon simple d’utiliser l’instruction return pour qu’une fonction retourne plusieurs valeurs en même temps.

https://www.techiedelight.com › return-multiple-values-javascript

Return multiple values from a function in JavaScript

Learn three ways to return multiple values from a function in JavaScript: using an array, an object, or a generator. See examples, syntax, and code snippets for each approach.

https://byby.dev › js-return-multiple-values

How to return multiple values in JavaScript - byby.dev

Learn different ways to simulate returning multiple values in JavaScript, such as using arrays or objects. See examples, advantages and disadvantages of each approach, and how to use destructuring assignment to extract values.

https://coreui.io › blog › how-to-return-multiple-values-from-a-javascript-function

How to return multiple values from a JavaScript function

In JavaScript, returning multiple values from a function can be effectively achieved using arrays and objects. This approach allows you to return more than one value from the same javascript function call.

How to return multiple values from a JavaScript function

https://www.altcademy.com › blog › how-to-return-multiple-values-in-javascript

How to return multiple values in JavaScript - Altcademy Blog

The most straightforward way to return multiple values from a function is to return them inside an array. An array, if you'd picture it, is like a train with multiple carriages. Each carriage can hold a different value, and they all move together as one entity.