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javascript - How to call an async function? - Stack Overflow

Putting the async keyword before a function makes it an asynchronous function. This basically does 2 things to the function: If a function doesn't return a promise the JS engine will wrap this value into a resolved promise. Thus, the function will always return a promise.

https://developer.mozilla.org › ... › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › async_function

async function - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The async function declaration creates a binding of a new async function to a given name. The await keyword is permitted within the function body, enabling asynchronous, promise-based behavior to be written in a cleaner style and avoiding the need to explicitly configure promise chains.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 9121902

Call An Asynchronous Javascript Function Synchronously

Async functions, a feature in ES2017, make async code look sync by using promises (a particular form of async code) and the await keyword. Also notice in the code examples below the keyword async in front of the function keyword that signifies an async/await function.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › async_function

async function - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Une fonction asynchrone est une fonction précédée par le mot-clé async, et qui peut contenir le mot-clé await. async et await permettent un comportement asynchrone, basé sur une promesse (Promise), écrite de façon simple, et évitant de configurer explicitement les chaînes de promesse.

https://www.w3schools.com › Js › js_async.asp

JavaScript Async - W3Schools

async makes a function return a Promise. await makes a function wait for a Promise. Async Syntax. The keyword async before a function makes the function return a promise: Example. async function myFunction () { return "Hello"; } Is the same as: function myFunction () { return Promise.resolve("Hello"); } Here is how to use the Promise:

https://javascript.info › async-await

Async/await - The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Async functions. Let’s start with the async keyword. It can be placed before a function, like this: async function f() { return 1; } The word “async” before a function means one simple thing: a function always returns a promise. Other values are wrapped in a resolved promise automatically.

https://dev.to › koladev › a-simple-guide-to-asynchronous-javascript-callbacks-promises...

A Simple Guide to Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises & async ...

A callback is a function passed as an argument when calling a function (high-order function) that will start executing a task in the background. And when this background task is done running, it calls the callback function to let you know about the changes.

https://www.w3schools.com › js › js_asynchronous.asp

Asynchronous JavaScript - W3Schools

Functions running in parallel with other functions are called asynchronous. A good example is JavaScript setTimeout () Asynchronous JavaScript. The examples used in the previous chapter, was very simplified. The purpose of the examples was to demonstrate the syntax of callback functions: Example. function myDisplayer (something) {

https://blog.logrocket.com › understanding-asynchronous-javascript

Understanding (and effectively using) asynchronous JavaScript

In this article, we learned what asynchronous JavaScript is and how to write asynchronous JavaScript using promises and async/await. We’ve also seen how to send requests using the fetch API and async/await and how to return a response to asynchronous calls. You can read more on asynchronous JavaScript here.

Understanding (and effectively using) asynchronous JavaScript

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › async_function*

async function* - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Une déclaration async function* définit une fonction génératrice asynchrone, qui renvoie un objet AsyncGenerator.