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https://www.w3schools.com › TAGS › att_script_src.asp

HTML <script> src Attribute - W3Schools

Learn how to use the src attribute to point to an external JavaScript file in HTML. See examples, syntax, browser support and possible values for the src attribute.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 13739568

How do I link a JavaScript file to a HTML file? - Stack Overflow

You can add script tags in your HTML document, ideally inside the which points to your javascript files. Order of the script tags are important. Load the jQuery before your script files if you want to use jQuery from your script.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › how-to-link-javascript-file-to-a-separate-html-file

How to Link JavaScript File to a Separate HTML File?

Learn how to establish a connection between HTML and JavaScript files using the script tag, the src attribute, or ECMAScript Modules. See syntax, examples, and output of each approach.

How to Link JavaScript File to a Separate HTML File?

https://www.delftstack.com › fr › howto › html › link-javascript-to-html

Lier le fichier JavaScript au fichier HTML - Delft Stack

Utilisez la balise <script> et l’attribut src pour lier un JavaScript externe à HTML. Utilisez la balise <script> pour lier un JavaScript interne au HTML. Cet article présente deux méthodes pour lier un fichier JavaScript à un fichier HTML.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Learn › HTML › Howto › Use_JavaScript_within_a_webpage

Utiliser JavaScript au sein d'une page web - MDN Web Docs

Généralement, un script est écrit dans un fichier .js à part. Pour exécuter un script depuis un fichier dans la page web, il suffira d'utiliser <script> avec un attribut src pointant vers le fichier du script en utilisant l'URL du fichier : html. <script src="chemin/vers/le/script.js"></script>.

https://www.w3schools.com › html › html_scripts.asp

HTML JavaScript - W3Schools

Learn how to use JavaScript to make HTML pages more dynamic and interactive. See how to write JavaScript code, use the HTML tag, and change content, styles, and attributes with examples.

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › link-javascript-to-html-with-the-src

Link JavaScript to HTML with the script src Attribute - freeCodeCamp.org

The ‘src’ attribute in a tag is the path to an external file or resource that you want to link to your HTML document. For example, if you had your own custom JavaScript file named ‘script.js’ and wanted to add its functionality to your HTML page, you...

Link JavaScript to HTML with the script src Attribute - freeCodeCamp.org

https://www.digitalocean.com › community › tutorials › how-to-add-javascript-to-html

How To Add JavaScript to HTML - DigitalOcean

Learn how to incorporate JavaScript into your web files, both inline into an HTML document and as a separate file. See examples of using the tag, the tag, and the tag to load and run JavaScript code.

How To Add JavaScript to HTML - DigitalOcean

https://www.hostinger.com › tutorials › add-javascript-to-html

How to Add JavaScript to HTML: A Complete Guide - Hostinger

The first way to add JavaScript to HTML is a direct one. You can do so by using the <script></script> tag that should encompass all the JS code you write. JS code can be added: between the <head> tags. between the <body> tags. Depending on where you add the code the JavaScript in your HTML file, the loading will differ.

https://codedamn.com › news › javascript › how-to-add-javascript-to-html

How to add JavaScript to HTML? All the ways to link JS with HTML - codedamn

There are following three main ways to add JavaScript to your web pages: Embedding code: Adding the JavaScript code between a pair of <script>...</script> tag. Inline code: Placing JavaScript code directly inside HTML tags using some special attributes. External file: Making a separate JavaScript file having .js as an extension.