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https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › how-to-execute-a-function-when-its-name-as-a-string-in...

How to execute a function when its name as a string in JavaScript ...

You can use eval () to execute a JavaScript function when you have its name as a string. ... Example: In this example, we define a function greet that logs a greeting to the console, and a variable functionName with the value “greet”, which is the name of the function.

https://stackabuse.com › bytes › executing-javascript-functions-from-string-names

Executing JavaScript Functions from String Names - Stack Abuse

In this Byte, we've showed a few different methods of executing a JavaScript function when you have its name as a string. We've seen how to use the window object, the Function constructor, and even how to execute functions within namespaces.

https://www.w3schools.com › jsref › jsref_tostring_string.asp

JavaScript String toString () Method - W3Schools

The toString() method returns a string as a string. The toString() method does not change the original string. The toString() method can be used to convert a string object into a string.

https://developer.mozilla.org › ... › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Global_Objects › Function › name

Function: name - JavaScript | MDN

Function: name. Baseline Widely available. The name data property of a Function instance indicates the function's name as specified when it was created, or it may be either anonymous or '' (an empty string) for functions created anonymously.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Global_Objects › String

String - JavaScript | MDN

Un objet String est utilisé afin de représenter et de manipuler une chaîne de caractères.

https://medium.com › dailyjs › 5-ways-to-convert-a-value-to-string-in-javascript-6b334b2fc778

5 Ways to Convert a Value to String in JavaScript - Medium

Alright, let’s test the 5 ways with different values. Here are the variables we’re going to test these against: const string = "hello"; const number = 123; const boolean = true; const array ...

5 Ways to Convert a Value to String in JavaScript - Medium

https://java2blog.com › get-variable-name-as-string-javascript

Get Variable Name as String in JavaScript - Java2Blog

Retrieving a variable’s name as a string in JavaScript can be a handy technique in various programming scenarios, from debugging to dynamic property handling. We’ll explore several methods to convert variable names into strings, covering different use cases.

https://medium.com › @amarkanala › get-variable-name-as-a-string-in-javascript-cc8c5443df4a

Get “variable” name as a string in JavaScript - Medium

There might be a usecase to get variable name as a string, perhaps for logging purposes. We can do this by constructing object using shorthand and then pulling out the first property name with...

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Global_Objects › String

String - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The String object is used to represent and manipulate a sequence of characters. Description. Strings are useful for holding data that can be represented in text form.