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https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › throw

throw - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The throw statement throws a user-defined exception that stops the current function and passes control to the first catch block in the call stack. Learn the syntax, examples, and specifications of the throw statement and how to handle errors with try...catch.

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › throw

throw - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

L'instruction throw permet de lever une exception définie par l'utilisateur. L'exécution de la fonction courante sera stoppée (les instructions situées après l'instruction throw ne seront pas exécutées) et le contrôle sera passé au premier bloc catch de la pile d'appels.

https://www.w3schools.com › js › js_errors.asp

JavaScript Errors Try Catch Throw - W3Schools

Learn how to use try, catch, throw and finally statements to handle errors in JavaScript. See examples of different error types, properties and methods of the Error object.

https://www.w3schools.com › jsref › jsref_throw.asp

JavaScript throw Statement - W3Schools

Learn how to use the throw statement to generate an error (exception) in JavaScript. See examples of different types of exceptions and how to handle them with try and catch blocks.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 69165892

javascript - How to throw an exception with a status code ... - Stack ...

function CustomException(message) { const error = new Error(message); error.code = "THIS_IS_A_CUSTOM_ERROR_CODE"; return error; } CustomException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); then you can throw your custom exception:

https://www.javascripttutorial.net › javascript-throw-exception

JavaScript throw Exception

Learn how to use the throw statement to throw an exception in JavaScript. See examples of throwing strings, Error instances and custom errors with the try...catch statement.

https://fr.javascript.info › try-catch

Gestion des erreurs, "try...catch" - JavaScript

L’erreur de l’instruction throw à la ligne (*) de l’intérieur du bloc catch “sort” de try...catch et peut être soit capturée par une structure try...catch externe (si elle existe), soit elle arrête le script.. Ainsi, le bloc catch ne traite que les erreurs qu’il sait gérer et “ignore” toutes les autres.. L’exemple ci-dessous montre comment de telles erreurs peuvent ...

https://www.sitepoint.com › javascript-error-handling

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Error Handling — SitePoint

After throwing the error, the JavaScript interpreter checks for exception handling code. None is present in the divide() function, so it checks the calling function: ...

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Error Handling — SitePoint

https://javascript.info › custom-errors

Custom errors, extending Error - The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Learn how to create and use custom error classes in JavaScript by extending the built-in Error class. See examples of ValidationError and PropertyRequiredError with message, name and property fields.

https://developer.mozilla.org › en-US › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Statements › try...catch

try...catch - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

Learn how to use the try...catch statement to handle exceptions thrown by code in the try block. See syntax, examples, and tips for catch binding, finally block, and conditional catch blocks.