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Google Sites: Sign-in

Access Google Sites with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

https://support.google.com › a › users › answer › 9310491

Create your first site with Google Sites

Learn how to create, publish, and customize a site with Google Sites, a free and easy-to-use tool in Google Workspace. Follow the steps to add pages, text, images, themes, and more to your site.

Create your first site with Google Sites

https://workspace.google.fr › intl › fr › products › sites

Google Sites : créez et hébergez des sites Web professionnels | Google ...

Avec Google Sites, créez facilement des sites Web de qualité pour votre équipe, votre projet ou votre événement. Aucune compétence en programmation n'est nécessaire. Profitez de toutes les fonctionnalités de Sites en adoptant Google Workspace.

Google Sites : créez et hébergez des sites Web professionnels | Google ...

https://support.google.com › sites › answer › 6372878

Utiliser Google Sites - Aide Sites

À compter du 1er septembre 2021, les sites que vous avez créés dans la version classique de Sites ne seront plus accessibles aux autres utilisateurs. Découvrez comment convertir des sites...

https://support.google.com › a › users › answer › 9310491

Créer votre premier site avec Google Sites

Sur votre ordinateur, ouvrez un site dans la nouvelle version de Google Sites. En haut, cliquez sur Partager . Sous "Inviter des utilisateurs", saisissez le nom ou l'adresse e-mail de...

Créer votre premier site avec Google Sites

https://workspace.google.com › products › sites

Google Sites: Create & Host Business Websites - Google Workspace

Collaboratively create engaging, high-quality sites for your team, project or event. The sites look great on every screen, from desktop to smartphone. All without learning design or programming.

Google Sites: Create & Host Business Websites - Google Workspace

https://blog.google › products › g-suite › totally-rebuilt-sites-customer-tested

A totally rebuilt Sites, customer-tested and open for business

Learn how the new Google Sites, launched in 2016, is easier, more collaborative and more customizable than the old one. See how to create, edit and preview sites with Google apps, themes and analytics.

A totally rebuilt Sites, customer-tested and open for business

https://workspace.google.com › blog › product-announcements › create-useful-websites-for...

Create useful websites for your business with updates in new Google ...

Learn how to create useful websites for your business with new features in Google Sites, such as template gallery, Cloud Search integration, version history, and feedback option. See how companies like Nielsen and Los Angeles IT Agency use Sites to share information and collaborate.

Create useful websites for your business with updates in new Google ...

https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com › 2023 › 04 › new-collaboration-flexibility-features...

Introducing new collaboration and flexibility features for Google Sites

Today, we’re announcing even more enhancements that improve upon collaboration within Sites and give you even more control over the layout of your Site’s content. New collaborators’ cursors will appear when Site editors are typing within a text tile.

Introducing new collaboration and flexibility features for Google Sites

https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com › 2020 › 08 › transition-classic-to-new-google-sites...

Timelines and tools for transition from classic to new Google Sites

Starting August 13, 2020 - New Sites will become the default option for website creation. See more details below. Starting May 2021 - New website creation will no longer be available in classic Sites. This means that any new websites created in your organization will only be in new Sites.