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https://www.digitalocean.com › community › tutorials › how-to-create-a-web-server-in-node-js...

Comment créer un serveur Web en Node.js avec le module HTTP

Dans ce tutoriel, vous apprendrez comment construire des serveurs web en utilisant le module http qui est inclus dans Node.js. Vous allez construire des serveurs web capables de renvoyer des données JSON, des fichiers CSV et des pages web HTML.

https://www.digitalocean.com › community › tutorials › how-to-create-a-web-server-in-node-js...

How To Create a Web Server in Node.js with the HTTP Module

Learn how to build web servers using the http module that’s included in Node.js. You will create web servers that can return JSON data, CSV files, and HTML web pages.

How To Create a Web Server in Node.js with the HTTP Module

https://node-js.fr › server

Créer un Serveur HTTP Simple avec Node.js | NodeJS

Node.js est conçu pour créer facilement des serveurs. Grâce à son module natif http, vous pouvez démarrer un serveur HTTP sans avoir besoin d'une librairie externe. Concepts clés : Module : Une bibliothèque ou un ensemble de fonctions que vous pouvez inclure dans votre application. Node.js dispose de plusieurs modules natifs.

https://www.w3schools.com › nodejs › nodejs_http.asp

Node.js HTTP Module - W3Schools

Learn how to use the built-in HTTP module in Node.js to create an HTTP server that listens to port 8080 and responds to client requests. See examples of how to write HTML, add headers, read query strings, and split the query string with the URL module.

https://www.sitepoint.com › build-a-simple-web-server-with-node-js

How to Build a Simple Web Server with Node.js - SitePoint

Learn how to create a web server with Node.js and Express.js in this practical guide. You will cover topics such as routing, static files, POST requests, data store, error handling, and HTML pages.

How to Build a Simple Web Server with Node.js - SitePoint

https://lucidar.me › fr › node.js › simple-http-server-in-nodejs

Simple server Web en Node.js | Le blog de Lulu - lucidar.me

Cette page explique comment créer un serveur web très simple avec Node.js. Comment créer un nouveau projet Node.js et démarrer un serveur http. Le code source est détaillé et expliqué. Ce qui suit a été testé avec Node.js v18.13.0 sur Ubuntu 22.04. # Espace de travail. Commençons par créer un dossier server pour notre projet : mkdir server.

https://webtutor.dev › nodejs › nodejs-create-web-server

Node.js Web Server Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own ...

The first step is to set up a basic web server in Node.js. Open your favorite text editor and create a new file called ...

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › node-js-web-server

Node.js Web Server - GeeksforGeeks

Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that enables developers to build scalable and efficient web servers. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to create a simple web server using Node.js, covering the basics and providing a foundation for more advanced applications.

https://dev.to › bearer › create-a-server-with-the-node-js-http-module-50ao

Create a Server with the Node.js HTTP Module - DEV Community

The createServer method allows Node.js to act as a web server and receive requests. A basic implementation may look like this: const http = require("http") const PORT = 3000 const server = http.createServer() server.listen(PORT, error => { if (error) { return console.error(error) } console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT}`) })

Create a Server with the Node.js HTTP Module - DEV Community

https://dev.to › romulogatto › building-a-simple-http-server-with-nodejs-12i0

Building a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js - DEV Community

Are you interested in building your own web server? Look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create a simple HTTP server using Node.js. With its event-driven architecture and lightweight nature, Node.js is the perfect choice for creating efficient servers.

Building a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js - DEV Community