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https://www.phptutorial.net › php-tutorial › php-null-coalescing-operator

PHP Null Coalescing Operator - PHP Tutorial

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about the PHP Null coalescing operator to assign a value to a variable if the variable doesn’t exist or null. Introduction to the PHP null coalescing operator.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 34571330

PHP short-ternary ("Elvis") operator vs null coalescing operator

The null coalescing operator is equivalent to the above statement, and will return 'default' if $_GET['username'] is not set or is null: $val = $_GET['username'] ?? 'default'; Note that it does not check truthiness. It checks only if it is set and not null. You can also do this, and the first defined (set and not null) value will be returned:

PHP short-ternary ("Elvis") operator vs null coalescing operator

https://www.php.net › manual › en › language.operators.comparison

PHP: Comparison - Manual

Null Coalescing Operator. Another useful shorthand operator is the "??" (or null coalescing) operator.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › ternary-operator-vs-null-coalescing-operator-in-php

Ternary operator vs Null coalescing operator in PHP

The Null coalescing operator is used to check whether the given variable is null or not and returns the non-null value from the pair of customized values. Null Coalescing operator is mainly used to avoid the object function to return a NULL value rather returning a default optimized value.

https://www.slingacademy.com › article › null-coalescing-operator-in-php

Null Coalescing Operator in PHP: Embracing Graceful Defaults

In PHP, the null coalescing operator (??) is a syntactic sugar construct that simplifies the task of checking for the existence and value of a variable. Prior to its introduction in PHP 7, developers would often utilize the isset () function combined with a ternary conditional to achieve a similar result. Let’s see this with a basic code example:

https://www.tutorialspoint.com › php › php_null_coalescing_operator.htm

PHP - Null Coalescing Operator - Online Tutorials Library

The Null Coalescing Operator is represented by the "??" symbol. It acts as a convenient shortcut to use a ternary in conjunction with isset(). It returns its first operand if it exists and is not null; otherwise it returns its second operand.

https://www.delftstack.com › fr › howto › php › null-coalescing-operator-php

Null Coalescing vs opérateur Elvis en PHP - Delft Stack

Opérateur de coalescence nulle en PHP L’opérateur de coalescence nul vérifie si la variable donnée est nulle ou non, et il renvoie la valeur non nulle de la paire de valeurs. La sortie de l’opérateur de coalescence nulle dépend de la valeur nulle de la variable.

https://www.php.engineer › null-coalescing-operator

Null coalescing operator - Modern PHP Tutorial

The null coalescing operator (?? ) in PHP is a shorthand way of checking if a value is "null", meaning it's either NULL or undefined , and if it is, providing a default value in its place. It can be used as a cleaner and more concise alternative to the ternary operator or conditional statement.

https://www.php.net › manual › fr › language.operators.logical.php

PHP: Logique - Manual

In addition to what Lawrence said about assigning a default value, one can now use the Null Coalescing Operator (PHP 7). Hence when we want to assign a default value we can write: $a = ($fruit ?? 'apple');

https://codedtag.com › php › understanding-the-php-null-coalescing-operator

PHP Null Coalescing Operator: Handling Null Values - CodedTag

The PHP 7 null coalescing operator streamlines the handling of default values for variables that may be null. Its concise and readable syntax simplifies the code, eliminating the need for verbose ternary expressions.