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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 5076944

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

The difference between undefined and null is minimal, but there is a difference. A variable whose value is undefined has never been initialized. A variable whose value is null was explicitly given a value of null , which means that the variable was explicitly set to have no value.

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › undefined-vs-null-in-javascript

Undefined Vs Null in JavaScript - GeeksforGeeks

In JavaScript, both undefined and null represent the absence of a meaningful value, but they have different purposes and are used in distinct contexts. Knowing when and how to use each can help you write clearer, more predictable code. Let’s see the differences between undefined and null in JavaScript. What is undefined?

https://www.kilukru.dev › difference-de-null-et-undefined-en-javascript

Différence de Null et Undefined en JavaScript

Ce qui est intéressant avec null, c’est que null exprime l’absence d’identification, ce qui signifie que la variable ne pointe vers aucun objet. Undefined. Une variable à laquelle aucune valeur n’a été attribuée est considérée comme un type undefined.

Différence de Null et Undefined en JavaScript

https://herewecode.io › fr › blog › null-vs-undefined-javascript

Null vs Undefined en JavaScript - HereWeCode

L’utilisation de null en Javascript doit être explicite, c’est-à-dire qu’il faut clairement la définir. const value = null. A la différence de undefined, la valeur null exprime le fait que nous savons que notre variable est « vide » et ne possède pas de valeur.

Null vs Undefined en JavaScript - HereWeCode

https://developer.mozilla.org › fr › docs › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Operators › null

null - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

La valeur null est un littéral (et non pas une propriété de l'objet global telle que undefined). Dans certaines API, null est souvent utilisé en valeur de retour lorsqu'un objet est attendu mais qu'aucun objet ne convient.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 6429225

When is null or undefined used in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow

You can reliably use the === operator to differentiate between undefined and null, if you need to make sure that a value is actually undefined (rather than null). According to the ECMAScript 5 spec: Both Null and Undefined are two of the six built in types.

https://codeburst.io › javascript-null-vs-undefined-20f955215a2

JavaScript — Null vs. Undefined - codeburst

null is an empty or non-existent value. null must be assigned. Here’s an example. We assign the value of null to a: let a = null; console.log(a); // null. What is undefined? Undefined most typically means a variable has been declared, but not defined. For example: let b; console.log(b); // undefined.

JavaScript — Null vs. Undefined - codeburst

https://www.tutorialsteacher.com › javascript › javascript-null-and-undefined

Difference between null and undefined in JavaScript - TutorialsTeacher.com

Difference between null and undefined. You must explicitly assign a null to a variable. A variable has undefined when no value assigned to it. Example: null and undefined Variables. let num1 = null; let num2; . console.log(num1);//null . console.log(num2); //undefined. The '' is not the same as null or undefined. let str = ''; .

https://www.delftstack.com › fr › howto › javascript › javascript-null-vs-undefined

JavaScript null vs undefined - Delft Stack

Les types de données null et undefined semblent ne rien représenter, mais ils sont différents. Il faut faire la distinction entre ceux-ci et savoir quand utiliser lequel pour éviter les bogues d’exécution. Cet article traite de null et undefined et de leur différence.

https://www.programiz.com › javascript › null-undefined

JavaScript null and undefined - Programiz

In this tutorial, you will learn about null and undefined data types available in JavaScript with the help of examples.