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https://developer.mozilla.org › ... › Web › JavaScript › Reference › Operators › Optional_chaining

Optional chaining (?.) - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs

The optional chaining (?.) operator accesses an object's property or calls a function. If the object accessed or function called using this operator is undefined or null, the expression short circuits and evaluates to undefined instead of throwing an error.

https://javascript.info › optional-chaining

Optional chaining - The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

The optional chaining ?. syntax has three forms: obj?.prop – returns obj.prop if obj exists, otherwise undefined . obj?.[prop] – returns obj[prop] if obj exists, otherwise undefined .

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 59623674

How can I use optional chaining with arrays and functions?

Optional chaining isn't just a TypeScript thing - it is a finished proposal in plain JavaScript too. It can be used with bracket notation like above, but it can also be used with dot notation property access: And with function calls: const obj = { fn2: () => console.log ('fn2 running') }; obj.fn1?. (); obj.fn2?. ();

https://www.javascripttutorial.net › javascript-optional-chaining-operator

JavaScript Optional Chaining Operator - JavaScript Tutorial

The optional chaining operator (?.) is like a shortcut for accessing nested properties in a series of objects. Instead of having to check if each step in the chain is empty (null or undefined), you can use the operator ?. to directly access the desired property.

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › optional-chaining-javascript

Optional Chaining in JavaScript – Explained with Examples

The optional chaining operator (?.) allows you to access properties or methods without the need for explicit null or undefined checks. If any intermediate property in the chain is null or undefined, the expression short-circuits, and the result is set to undefined.

Optional Chaining in JavaScript – Explained with Examples

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › javascript-optional-chaining-explained

JavaScript Optional Chaining `?.` Explained - How it Works and When to ...

Optional chaining changes the way properties are accessed from deeply nested objects. It fixes the problem of having to do multiple null checks when accessing a long chain of object properties in JavaScript.

JavaScript Optional Chaining `?.` Explained - How it Works and When to ...

https://runebook.dev › fr › docs › javascript › operators › optional_chaining

JavaScript - Optional chaining [fr] - Runebook.dev

Chaînage optionnel avec appels de fonction. Vous pouvez utiliser le chaînage facultatif lorsque vous tentez d'appeler une méthode qui n'existe peut-être pas.

https://www.freecodecamp.org › news › javascript-optional-chaining

How to Use Optional Chaining in JavaScript - freeCodeCamp.org

Optional chaining is a safe and concise way to perform access checks for nested object properties. The optional chaining operator ?. takes the reference to its left and checks if it is undefined or null. If the reference is either of these nullish values, the checks will stop and return undefined.

How to Use Optional Chaining in JavaScript - freeCodeCamp.org

https://javascript.plainenglish.io › a-guide-to-optional-chaining-in-javascript...

A Guide to Optional Chaining ‘?.’ in JavaScript — Explained with ...

Optional chaining ?. in JavaScript is a safe way to access nested object properties, even if an intermediate property doesn’t exist.

A Guide to Optional Chaining ‘?.’ in JavaScript — Explained with ...

https://blog.openreplay.com › mastering-javascript-optional-chaining-and-nullish-coalescing

Mastering JavaScript: optional chaining and nullish coalescing - OpenReplay

Optional Chaining is a feature in JavaScript that allows developers to safely access the properties of an object without having to manually check if the object is null or undefined. This can be particularly useful when working with complex, nested objects.

Mastering JavaScript: optional chaining and nullish coalescing - OpenReplay