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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 21093560

sequence - Get oracle sequenve next value without change it - Stack ...

I need to know the next value of an oracle sequence without changing it. If I use sequence.NEXTVAL , I get what I need. The problem is that the value changed, so the next record will get this value + 1 and it's not good for me.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 10210273

How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without ...

SELECT last_number FROM all_sequences WHERE sequence_owner = '<sequence owner>' AND sequence_name = '<sequence_name>'; You can get a variety of sequence metadata from user_sequences , all_sequences and dba_sequences .

https://fadace.developpez.com › oracle › sequences

Les séquences Oracle - Developpez.com

La notion de compteur ou de suite de nombres est implémentée sous Oracle à l'aide des séquences. Une séquence est donc un objet appartenant à un schéma, générateur de nombres de 38 chiffres. On récupère le prochain n° de séquence via la pseudocolonne NEXTVAL, et le n° courant via la pseudocolonne CURRVAL, ceci pour une session ...

https://courssql.com › cours-sql-oracle-13-sequence


La SEQUENCE est incrémenté par le mot clé NEXTVAL. L’appel de la SEQUENCE se fait toujours par requête SQL, chaque ligne retournée par la requête qui fait appel au NEXTVAL va incrémenter la SEQUENCE. Exemple : Nous allons utiliser la SEQENCE SEQ_EXP avec une table (table TEST) qui contient 3 lignes: select SEQ_EXP.nextval from TEST; SEQ_EXP.NEXTVAL

https://ittutorial.org › nextval-and-currval-function-in-oracle

NEXTVAL and CURRVAL function in Oracle - IT Tutorial

Learn how to use NEXTVAL and CURRVAL functions to get the next and current values of a sequence in Oracle database. See examples, error messages and performance tuning tips.

NEXTVAL and CURRVAL function in Oracle - IT Tutorial

https://docs.oracle.com › en › database › oracle › oracle-database › 19 › sqlrf › ALTER-SEQUENCE.html

ALTER SEQUENCE - Oracle Help Center

Learn how to change the properties and behavior of an existing sequence with the ALTER SEQUENCE statement. See the syntax, semantics, and examples of using SCALE, EXTEND, SHARD, and other clauses.

ALTER SEQUENCE - Oracle Help Center

https://docs.oracle.com › en › database › oracle › oracle-database › 19 › sqlrf › Sequence-Pseudo...

Sequence Pseudocolumns - Oracle Help Center

sequence.NEXTVAL. To refer to the current or next value of a sequence in the schema of another user, you must have been granted either SELECT object privilege on the sequence or SELECT ANY SEQUENCE system privilege, and you must qualify the sequence with the schema containing it: schema. sequence.CURRVAL. schema. sequence.NEXTVAL.

https://docs.oracle.com › cd › B13789_01 › server.101 › b10759 › pseudocolumns002.htm

Sequence Pseudocolumns - Oracle

sequence.NEXTVAL. To refer to the current or next value of a sequence in the schema of another user, you must have been granted either SELECT object privilege on the sequence or SELECT ANY SEQUENCE system privilege, and you must qualify the sequence with the schema containing it: schema.sequence.CURRVAL. schema.sequence.NEXTVAL.

https://www.oracletutorial.com › oracle-sequence

An Essential Guide to the Oracle Sequence By Practical Examples

Learn what a sequence is and how to use the NEXTVAL and CURRVAL pseudo-columns to generate unique integers. See examples of creating, modifying, and dropping sequences in Oracle 12c and earlier versions.

https://www.1keydata.com › fr › sql › sequence-nextval.php


Oracle utilise le concept de SEQUENCE et la fonction NEXTVAL pour créer des valeurs de clé primaire numériques lorsque nous insérons des lignes de données dans une table.