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https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 10210273

sql - How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without ...

SELECT last_number FROM all_sequences WHERE sequence_owner = '<sequence owner>' AND sequence_name = '<sequence_name>'; You can get a variety of sequence metadata from user_sequences , all_sequences and dba_sequences .

https://docs.oracle.com › en › database › oracle › oracle-database › 21 › sqlrf › CREATE-SEQUENCE.html

CREATE SEQUENCE - Oracle Help Center

Oracle Database. Release 21. SQL Language Reference. CREATE SEQUENCE. Purpose. Use the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a sequence, which is a database object from which multiple users may generate unique integers. You can use sequences to automatically generate primary key values.

CREATE SEQUENCE - Oracle Help Center

https://www.oracletutorial.com › oracle-sequence

An Essential Guide to the Oracle Sequence By Practical Examples

This section introduces you to the Oracle Sequence and shows you how to create, use, modify, and remove a sequence in Oracle.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 51470

sql - How do I reset a sequence in Oracle? - Stack Overflow

In PostgreSQL, I can do something like this: ALTER SEQUENCE serial RESTART WITH 0; Is there an Oracle equivalent?

https://courssql.com › cours-sql-oracle-13-sequence


La SEQUENCE est un objet qui est créé dans un schéma Oracle et qui permet d’incrémenter un numéro d’une manière séquentielle. La séquence permet de retournée un nombre entier selon un séquencement.

https://asktom.oracle.com › pls › apex › asktom.search

current value of sequence - Oracle Ask TOM

you can check the current value of a sequence in your session by using "currval" sequence.currval will return that. IF you mean "the current value any session would see at that point in time" - you would have to call "sequence.nextval". Yes, that would "waste" a sequence value - but so what. Even if you did that 100,000 times per second:

https://docs.oracle.com › en › database › oracle › oracle-database › 19 › sqlrf › ALTER-SEQUENCE.html

ALTER SEQUENCE - Oracle Help Center

Oracle Database. Release 19. SQL Language Reference. ALTER SEQUENCE. Purpose. Use the ALTER SEQUENCE statement to change the increment, minimum and maximum values, cached numbers, and behavior of an existing sequence. This statement affects only future sequence numbers. See Also: CREATE SEQUENCE for additional information on sequences.

ALTER SEQUENCE - Oracle Help Center

https://oracle-base.com › articles › misc › oracle-sequences

ORACLE-BASE - Oracle Sequences

A sequence is a database object that is used to generate a unique integer, which is often used to populate a synthetic key. Sequences are created using the CREATE SEQUENCE command.

https://www.oracletutorial.com › oracle-sequence › oracle-create-sequence

Oracle CREATE SEQUENCE Explained By Practical Examples

The CREATE SEQUENCE statement allows you to create a new sequence in the database. Here is the basic syntax of the CREATE SEQUENCE statement: CREATE SEQUENCE schema_name.sequence_name. [INCREMENT BY interval] [START WITH first_number] [MAXVALUE max_value | NOMAXVALUE] [MINVALUE min_value | NOMINVALUE] [CYCLE | NOCYCLE]

https://www.techonthenet.com › oracle › sequences.php

Oracle / PLSQL: Sequences (Autonumber) - TechOnTheNet

The syntax to create a sequence in Oracle is: CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name. MINVALUE value. MAXVALUE value. START WITH value. INCREMENT BY value. CACHE value; sequence_name. The name of the sequence that you wish to create. Example. Let's look at an example of how to create a sequence in Oracle. For example: CREATE SEQUENCE supplier_seq.