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https://tex.stackexchange.com › questions › 107668 › how-to-use-cancel-command

How to use \cancel command - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

There is an answer with the cancel package and with screenshot and explanation. No need to encourage writing further answers (again about making \cancel work with cancel package). Simply no need to open as no solution is prevented as the meaningful one has been given. Closed does not mean bad but answering closed.

https://ctan.org › pkg › cancel

CTAN: Package cancel

A package to draw diagonal lines (“cancelling” a term) and arrows with limits (cancelling a term “to a value”) through parts of maths formulae. Sources /macros/latex/contrib/cancel

https://www.math-linux.com › latex › faq › latex-faq › article › strikethrough-strike-out-text...

Strikethrough - strike out text or formula in LaTeX

How to cross out / strikethrough text or equations in Latex? There are two main ways to do this with the cancel and ulem packages. It also depends on your needs: is it in mathematical mode or in text mode? Strikethrough in LaTeX using cancel packages

https://tex.stackexchange.com › questions › 218372 › cancel-maths-expression-with-a-down-arrow

Cancel maths expression with a down arrow - LaTeX Stack Exchange

The following solution to the question where soome maths text is to be cancelled out makes use of the cancel package. There the macro \cancelto produces an arrow from bottom left to top right. It also gives a macro called \bcancel which gives a strike out from top left to bottom right.

Cancel maths expression with a down arrow - LaTeX Stack Exchange

https://www.math-linux.com › latex › faq › latex-faq › article › latex-barrer-du-texte-ou-une...

Latex barrer du texte ou une équation - Math-Linux.com

Vous devez utiliser les paquets cancel comme suit : \cancel dessine une ligne diagonale (barre oblique) à travers son argument. \bcancel utilise la pente négative (une barre oblique inverse). \xcancel dessine un X (en fait \cancel plus \bcancel).

Latex barrer du texte ou une équation - Math-Linux.com

https://www.netplume.net › le-package-cancel-pour-biffer-des-termes

Le package cancel pour biffer des termes – netplume

Le package cancel permet de biffer des termes dans des équations mathématiques. C’est extrêmement pratique pour la correction des devoirs au primaire et au secondaire. Dans cet article, je vous propose tous les cas de figure proposés par le package, avec des exemples détaillés et sans oublier les options sur les biffures.

https://tex.stackexchange.com › questions › 504552

math mode - Cancel package enhancement - LaTeX Stack Exchange

the number/text 〈label〉 is put on top of 〈expression〉 in the middle. the goal is to describe which term cancel with which term, this is useful if one has lets say 16 terms each cancelling with each other. I think that the command \cancelto of the package should be a good model.

https://tug.ctan.org › macros › latex2e › contrib › cancel › cancel.pdf

The package - CTAN

If you use the color package, then you can declare. and>} \blueand the cancellation marks will be printed in that colo. (e. g., ). However, if you are using color, I recommend lightly shaded blocks rather than diagonal arrows for. thicklines]The option asks for heavier lines.

https://texfaq.org › FAQ-cancellation

Cancelling terms in maths expressions - The TeX FAQ

Cancelling terms in maths expressions. A technique used when explaining the behaviour of expressions or equations (often for pedagogical purposes). The cancel package provides several variants of cancellation marks (\ , / and X), and a means of cancelling “to” a particular value.

https://www.charlesreid1.com › wiki › Cancel_Package

Cancel Package - charlesreid1

To use the cancel package in a LaTeX document, you have to include the following in your preamble: \usepackage{cancel} There are two handy functions available from the cancel package: cancel and cancelto. To use cancel: \cancel { a } To use cancelto: \cancel { \infty } { a }