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https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-coalesce

PostgreSQL COALESCE() Function - PostgreSQL Tutorial

Learn how to use the COALESCE() function in PostgreSQL to return the first non-null argument from a list of arguments. See syntax, examples and applications with table data and null values.

https://docs.postgresql.fr › 10 › functions-conditional.html

9.17. Expressions conditionnelles - PostgreSQL

L'expression SQL CASE est une expression conditionnelle générique, similaire aux instructions if/else des autres langages de programmation : CASE WHEN condition THEN résultat . [WHEN ...] [ELSE résultat] END. Les clauses CASE peuvent être utilisées partout où une expression est valide.

https://learnsql.fr › blog › comment-utiliser-la-fonction-coalesce-en-sql

Comment utiliser la fonction COALESCE () en SQL - LearnSQL.fr

Tirer parti de COALESCE() pour traiter les valeurs NULL. Dans cet article, nous avons montré plusieurs façons d'utiliser la fonction SQL COALESCE(). Nous avons couvert comment utiliser COALESCE() pour remplacer les valeurs NULL, comment calculer une valeur alternative, et comment combiner COALESCE() avec la clause ROLLUP, entre autres exemples.

Comment utiliser la fonction COALESCE () en SQL - LearnSQL.fr

https://www.sqlshack.com › learn-the-postgresql-coalesce-command

Learn the PostgreSQL COALESCE command - SQL Shack

Learn how to use the COALESCE function in PostgreSQL to ignore or replace null values with non-null values. See examples of COALESCE with different arguments, tables, strings, and calculated columns.

Learn the PostgreSQL COALESCE command - SQL Shack

https://www.postgresql.org › docs › current › functions-conditional.html

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: 9.18. Conditional Expressions

COALESCE(value [, ...]) The COALESCE function returns the first of its arguments that is not null. Null is returned only if all arguments are null. It is often used to substitute a default value for null values when data is retrieved for display, for example: SELECT COALESCE(description, short_description, '(none)') ...

https://www.postgresql.org › docs › current › functions-aggregate.htm

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: 9.21. Aggregate Functions

The coalesce function can be used to substitute zero or an empty array for null when necessary.

https://www.tutorialsteacher.com › postgresql › coalesce-function

PostgreSQL COALESCE Function: Get First Non-NULL Value

In PostgreSQL, the COALESCE () function is used to get the first non-null value among the specified arguments. It returns the first of its arguments that is not null. If all arguments are NULL, it will return a NULL value.

PostgreSQL COALESCE Function: Get First Non-NULL Value

https://www.mazer.dev › en › databases › postgresql › posts › postgresql-guide-coalesce-function

PostgreSQL COALESCE Function: A Comprehensive Guide

The COALESCE function in PostgreSQL returns the first non-null argument. It is effectively equivalent to the ISNULL function in SQL Server. The syntax for COALESCE is as follows: COALESCE(value1, value2, ..., valueN)

https://popsql.com › learn-sql › postgresql › how-to-use-coalesce-in-postgresql

PostgreSQL Coalesce: How to Use - PopSQL

Learn how to use the COALESCE function in PostgreSQL to handle null values and provide default values when needed, ensuring your SQL queries return the desired results.

https://www.castordoc.com › how-to › how-to-use-coalesce-in-postgresql

How to use coalesce in PostgreSQL? - CastorDoc

Coalesce is a powerful function in PostgreSQL that allows you to handle null values effectively and perform data cleaning operations. In this article, we will explore the basics of coalesce, its syntax, practical applications, common errors and troubleshooting, as well as performance considerations when using coalesce.

How to use coalesce in PostgreSQL? - CastorDoc