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https://www.php.net › manual › en › language.types

PHP: Types - Manual

Learn about the type system and the data types of PHP, a popular general-purpose scripting language. The page covers NULL, booleans, integers, floating point numbers, strings, arrays, objects, enumerations, resources, callbacks, mixed, void, never, relative, class types, value types, iterables, type declarations, and type juggling.

https://www.w3schools.com › php › php_datatypes.asp

PHP Data Types - W3Schools

PHP supports the following data types: String. Integer. Float (floating point numbers - also called double) Boolean. Array. Object. NULL. Resource. Getting the Data Type. You can get the data type of any object by using the var_dump () function. Example. The var_dump () function returns the data type and the value: $x = 5; var_dump ($x);

https://www.phptutorial.net › php-tutorial › php-data-types

PHP Data Types - PHP Tutorial

Learn about PHP data types, including scalar, compound, and special types. See examples of integer, float, string, bool, array, object, null, and resource types.

PHP Data Types - PHP Tutorial

https://www.php.net › manual › en › language.types.intro

PHP: Introduction - Manual

Learn about the built-in types and type juggling in PHP, a dynamically typed language. See how to use type declarations, type casts, and type comparison functions.

https://www.php.net › manual › fr › language.types.type-system.php

Système de type - PHP

Système de type. PHP utilise un système de type nominal avec une relation de sous-typage comportementale forte. La relation de sous-typage est vérifiée à la compilation, tandis que la vérification des types est vérifiée dynamiquement au moment de l'exécution.

https://www.php.engineer › data-types

Data Types - Modern PHP Tutorial

Learn about the data types in PHP, such as integers, floats, strings, and arrays. Understand the importance of data types, the difference between static and dynamic typing, and how to use string interpolation and concatenation.

https://www.letecode.com › tutoriels › tutoriel-php › types-de-donnees-php

Comprendre les types de données en PHP - Letecode

PHP prend en charge huit types de données primitifs au total : entier, nombre à virgule flottante ou flottant, chaîne, booléens, tableau, objet, ressource et NULL. Ces types de données sont utilisés pour construire des variables. Discutons maintenant de chacun d'eux en détail.

https://phplang.org › spec › 05-types

Types - PHP Language Specification

PHP’s types are categorized as scalar types and composite types. The scalar types are Boolean, integer, floating point, string, and null. The composite types are array , and object. The resource is an opaque type whose internal structure is not specified and depends on the implementation. The scalar types are value types.

https://www.pierre-giraud.com › php-mysql-apprendre-coder-cours › type-donnee

Les types de données en PHP - Pierre Giraud

En PHP, on va pouvoir stocker deux types différents de donnée numéraires dans nos variables : le type Integer, qui contient tous les nombres entiers positifs ou négatifs et le type Float ou Double, qui contient les nombres décimaux (nombres à virgule) positifs ou négatifs.

Les types de données en PHP - Pierre Giraud

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org › php-data-types

PHP Data Types - GeeksforGeeks

Learn about the eight data types in PHP, including predefined, user-defined, and special types. See examples, syntax, and functions to check and cast data types.