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sql - How to sort by count with postgresql? - Stack Overflow

select count(w.id) as mycount, w.company_id, c.company_name, c.city from companies c left join workers w on c.id=w.company_id group by w.company_id, c.company_name, c.city order by mycount desc;

https://collectingwisdom.com › postgresql-order-by-count

How to Order by Count in PostgreSQL (With Example)

Often in PostgreSQL you may want to order the rows of a table based on the count of values in a particular column. You can use the following syntax to do so: SELECT team, COUNT(team) FROM athletes. GROUP BY team. ORDER BY COUNT(team);

https://www.postgresql.org › docs › current › queries-order.html

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: 7.5. Sorting Rows (ORDER BY)

The ORDER BY clause specifies the sort order: SELECT select_list FROM table_expression ORDER BY sort_expression1 [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [ , sort_expression2 [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] ...

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 1403456

How to sort by custom count with postgresql? - Stack Overflow

select count(w.country='USA') as mycount, w.company_id, c.company_name from companies c left join workers w on c.id=w.company_id group by w.company_id, c.company_name order by mycount desc; But that's counting all workers regardless of their countries.

https://www.postgresql.org › docs › current › functions-aggregate.htm

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: 9.21. Aggregate Functions

This ordering is unspecified by default, but can be controlled by writing an ORDER BY clause within the aggregate call, as shown in Section 4.2.7. Alternatively, supplying the input values from a sorted subquery will usually work. For example: SELECT xmlagg(x) FROM (SELECT x FROM test ORDER BY y DESC) AS tab;

https://www.postgresqltutorial.com › postgresql-tutorial › postgresql-order-by


The ORDER BY clause allows you to sort rows returned by a SELECT clause in ascending or descending order based on a sort expression. The following illustrates the syntax of the ORDER BY clause: SELECT select_list FROM table_name ORDER BY sort_expression1 [ASC | DESC], sort_expression2 [ASC | DESC], ...;


https://docs.postgresql.fr › 15 › queries-order.html

7.5. Tri des lignes ( ORDER BY ) - PostgreSQL

La clause ORDER BY spécifie l'ordre de tri : FROM expression_table. ORDER BY expression_tri1 [ASC | DESC] [NULLS { FIRST | LAST }] [, expression_tri2 [ASC | DESC] [NULLS { FIRST | LAST }] ...] Les expressions de tri peuvent être toute expression qui serait valide dans la liste de sélection des requêtes.

https://www.slingacademy.com › article › postgresql-order-by-ascending-and-descending-sorting

PostgreSQL ORDER BY: Ascending and Descending Sorting

In PostgreSQL, sorting query results is primarily done using the ORDER BY clause. Sorting can be either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). SELECT column1 FROM table_name ORDER BY column1 ASC; This code snippet selects all values from column1 and sorts them in ascending order. To sort in descending order:

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 11807386

sql - GROUP BY and COUNT in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow

SELECT count(*) AS post_ct FROM posts p WHERE EXISTS (SELECT FROM votes v WHERE v.post_id = p.id); In Postgres and with multiple entries on the n-side like you probably have, it's generally faster than count(DISTINCT post_id): SELECT count(DISTINCT p.id) AS post_ct FROM posts p JOIN votes v ON v.post_id = p.id;

https://postgrespro.com › docs › postgresql › 16 › queries-order

7.5. Sorting Rows ( ORDER BY ) # - Postgres Pro

A particular output ordering can only be guaranteed if the sort step is explicitly chosen. The ORDER BY clause specifies the sort order: SELECT select_list FROM table_expression ORDER BY sort_expression1 [ASC | DESC] [NULLS { FIRST | LAST }] [, sort_expression2 [ASC | DESC] [NULLS { FIRST | LAST }] ...]