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https://www.it-connect.fr › chapitres › powershell-les-boucles-foreach-et-foreach-object

Les boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell - IT-Connect

Cet article évoque l'utilisation des boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell avec différents exemples. Nous allons évoquer aussi le paramètre Parallel.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › about...

à propos de Foreach - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

Voici la foreach syntaxe suivante : foreach ($<item> in $<collection>){<statement list>} La partie de l’instruction foreach entre parenthèses représente une variable et une collection à itérer. PowerShell crée automatiquement la variable $<item> lors de l’exécution de la foreach boucle.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › about...

about_Foreach - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

The foreach statement is a language construct for iterating over a set of values in a collection. The simplest and most typical type of collection to traverse is an array. Within a foreach loop, it's common to run one or more commands against each item in an array.

https://lazyadmin.nl › powershell › powershell-loops-for-foreach-do-while-until

PowerShell For Loop, ForEach, and Do While/Until Explained - LazyAdmin

When to use which loop function in PowerShell. For, ForEach-Object, Do While and Do Until explained and how to use them with examples.

PowerShell For Loop, ForEach, and Do While/Until Explained - LazyAdmin

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › foreach...

ForEach-Object (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell

À compter de Windows PowerShell 3.0, il existe deux façons différentes de construire une ForEach-Object commande. Bloc de script. Vous pouvez utiliser un bloc de script pour spécifier l'opération. Dans le bloc de script, utilisez la $_ variable pour représenter l’objet actuel.

https://lazyadmin.nl › powershell › powershell-foreach-object

PowerShell ForEach-Object and ForEach Loop Explained

The PowerShell ForEach() and ForEach-Object cmdlet both allow you to iterate through a collection and perform an action against each item in it. However, there is a difference in how they handle the data and in the usability.

PowerShell ForEach-Object and ForEach Loop Explained

https://adamtheautomator.com › powershell-foreach

PowerShell ForEach Loops: Types and Best Practices - ATA Learning

In this article, you’ve learned the different types of foreach loops available in PowerShell, and what to consider as to which one to use. You’ve also seen the three types of foreach loops in action using different sample scenarios.

PowerShell ForEach Loops: Types and Best Practices - ATA Learning

https://powershellfaqs.com › powershell-foreach-object

PowerShell ForEach-Object [With Examples]

The ForEach-Object cmdlet in PowerShell processes each item in a collection individually, allowing for operations such as modifying properties or executing commands. For example, to double each number in a sequence, you can use 1..5 | ForEach-Object { $_ * 2 }, which outputs 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Table of Contents. ForEach-Object in PowerShell.

PowerShell ForEach-Object [With Examples]

https://jeffbrown.tech › powershell-foreach

PowerShell ForEach: Everything You Need to Know - Jeff Brown Tech

The PowerShell ForEach loop is an excellent tool for iterating through a collection, such as an array of items. You can take action on each item in the array using one or more commands. In this tutorial, you will learn all about the different ForEach statements available in PowerShell and how to implement each.

PowerShell ForEach: Everything You Need to Know - Jeff Brown Tech

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 18847145

Loop through files in a directory using PowerShell

An even easier way to put this is the foreach loop (thanks to @Soapy and @MarkSchultheiss): foreach ($f in $files){. $outfile = $f.FullName + "out". Get-Content $f.FullName | Where-Object { ($_ -match 'step4' -or $_ -match 'step9') } | Set-Content $outfile. }