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https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › foreach...

ForEach-Object (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell

Learn how to use the ForEach-Object cmdlet to perform an operation on each item in a collection of input objects. See syntax, description, examples, parameters, and parallel running script blocks.

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › foreach...

ForEach-Object (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell

L’applet ForEach-Object de commande effectue une opération sur chaque élément d’une collection d’objets d’entrée. Les objets d’entrée peuvent être redirigés vers l’applet de commande ou spécifiés à l’aide du paramètre InputObject . À compter de Windows PowerShell 3.0, il existe deux façons différentes de construire ...

https://www.it-connect.fr › chapitres › powershell-les-boucles-foreach-et-foreach-object

Les boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell - IT-Connect

Cet article évoque l'utilisation des boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell avec différents exemples. Nous allons évoquer aussi le paramètre Parallel.

Les boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell - IT-Connect

https://lazyadmin.nl › powershell › powershell-foreach-object

PowerShell ForEach-Object and ForEach Loop Explained

Learn how to use PowerShell ForEach and ForEach-Object cmdlets to iterate through collections and perform actions on each item. Compare the difference, performance, and syntax of the two cmdlets and see examples of break, continue, and nested loops.

PowerShell ForEach-Object and ForEach Loop Explained

https://powershellfaqs.com › powershell-foreach-object

PowerShell ForEach-Object [With Examples]

Learn how to use the ForEach-Object cmdlet in PowerShell to process each item in a collection individually. See detailed examples of basic, advanced, and nested ForEach-Object operations, as well as error handling and filtering techniques.

PowerShell ForEach-Object [With Examples]

https://learn.microsoft.com › fr-fr › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › about...

à propos de Foreach - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

L’instruction foreach est une construction de langage pour itérer sur un ensemble de valeurs dans une collection. Le type de collection le plus simple et le plus classique à parcourir est un tableau. Dans une foreach boucle, il est courant d’exécuter une ou plusieurs commandes sur chaque élément d’un tableau. Syntaxe.

https://adamtheautomator.com › powershell-foreach

PowerShell ForEach Loops: Types and Best Practices - ATA Learning

Learn how to use three types of foreach loops in PowerShell to iterate over a collection of objects: the foreach statement, the ForEach-Object cmdlet, and the foreach() method. See examples, differences, and tips for each type of loop.

PowerShell ForEach Loops: Types and Best Practices - ATA Learning

https://fr.geeksbrains.com › powershell-foreach-object-syntaxe-parametres-exemples

PowerShell Foreach-Object : syntaxe, paramètres, exemples

L'applet de commande ForEach-Object est similaire à PowerShell ForEach, mais il peut être plus pratique d'utiliser l'une plutôt que l'autre en fonction de la situation de script. Ce guide traite de la syntaxe et des paramètres de l'applet de commande PowerShell Foreach-Object.

https://www.pdq.com › powershell › foreach-object

ForEach-Object - PowerShell Command - PDQ

The ForEach-Object cmdlet performs an operation on each item in a collection of input objects. The input objects can be piped to the cmdlet or specified by using the InputObject parameter. Starting in Windows PowerShell 3.0, there are two different ways to construct a ForEach-Object command. Script block .

https://devblogs.microsoft.com › scripting › powershell-looping-using-the-foreach-object...

PowerShell Looping: Using the Foreach-Object Cmdlet

One of the things that I like to do when using the Foreach-Object cmdlet with the pipeline, is to send the results to another Windows PowerShell cmdlet, such as the Sort-Object cmdlet. This makes for some really powerful script, and it is easy to work out.

PowerShell Looping: Using the Foreach-Object Cmdlet