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à propos de Foreach - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

L’instruction foreach est une construction de langage pour itérer sur un ensemble de valeurs dans une collection. Le type de collection le plus simple et le plus classique à parcourir est un tableau.

https://stackoverflow.com › questions › 54645845

ForEach loop over string in powershell - Stack Overflow

Here is what I do: Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin. $VMlist = "vm1, vm2" . $VMlist = $VMlist.split(","); Foreach ($i in $VMlist) { foreach($Job in (Get-VBRJob)) { $Session = $Job.FindLastSession() if(!$Session){continue;} $Tasks = $Session.GetTaskSessions() $Tasks | ?{$_.Name -eq $VMlist} | %{write-host $_.Name ":" $_.Status}

https://www.it-connect.fr › chapitres › powershell-les-boucles-foreach-et-foreach-object

Les boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell - IT-Connect

Cet article évoque l'utilisation des boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell avec différents exemples. Nous allons évoquer aussi le paramètre Parallel.

Les boucles ForEach et ForEach-Object en PowerShell - IT-Connect

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › about...

about_Foreach - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

The foreach statement is a language construct for iterating over a set of values in a collection. The simplest and most typical type of collection to traverse is an array. Within a foreach loop, it's common to run one or more commands against each item in an array.

https://adamtheautomator.com › powershell-foreach

PowerShell ForEach Loops: Types and Best Practices - ATA Learning

One of the most common types of loops you’ll use in PowerShell is the foreach type of loop. A foreach loop reads a set of objects (iterates) and completes when it’s finished with the last one. The collection of objects that are read is typically represented by an array or a hashtable.

PowerShell ForEach Loops: Types and Best Practices - ATA Learning

https://powershellmagazine.com › 2014 › 10 › 22 › foreach-and-where-magic-methods

ForEach and Where magic methods - PowerShell Magazine

ForEach(string methodName) and ForEach(string methodName, object[] arguments) To invoke a method, you simply provide the method name as the first argument, and then the arguments for that method as the second, third, fourth, etc. arguments.

ForEach and Where magic methods - PowerShell Magazine

https://jeffbrown.tech › powershell-foreach

PowerShell ForEach: Everything You Need to Know

ForEach Statement. The foreach statement syntax is outlined below. You begin with the foreach keyword followed by a set of parentheses ( ). In the parentheses, you reference the collection or array you want to iterate through ($collection) and how to identify the current item in the loop ($item).

PowerShell ForEach: Everything You Need to Know

https://ss64.com › ps › foreach-method.html

ForEach method - PowerShell - SS64.com

ForEach (method) Loop through a collection (or a set of properties) and perform an operation (execute a block of statements) against each.

https://learn.microsoft.com › en-us › powershell › module › microsoft.powershell.core › foreach...

ForEach-Object (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell

The ForEach-Object cmdlet performs an operation on each item in a collection of input objects. The input objects can be piped to the cmdlet or specified using the InputObject parameter. Starting in Windows PowerShell 3.0, there are two different ways to construct a ForEach-Object command. Script block. You can use a script block to specify the ...

https://ss64.com › ps › foreach.html

ForEach - PowerShell - SS64.com

Use the ForEach statement when the collection of objects is small enough that it can be loaded into memory. Use the ForEach-Object cmdlet when you want to pass only one object at a time through the pipeline, minimising memory usage.